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newark sunday
MkII - 19/6/09 at 06:01 PM

is anyone heading to newark on sunday fron north yorks/lancs

deneo - 19/6/09 at 08:00 PM

going down on sunday
can go on the a19 if u can close to there
will pick u up about 9 am

mediabloke - 19/6/09 at 09:52 PM

Just discussing it with Mrs MB - hoping to get down on Sunday, but it's a toss-up between Newark, watching the MK guys at Oulton, banger racing @ Carnforth and bikes at Darley Moor.

Agony of choice. Whaddya reckon...?

austin man - 19/6/09 at 10:29 PM

My choice is watching MK at Oulton, then driving to Newark camping getting pixxxd then seeing the show on sunday through bleary eyes