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Tyre pressure when sprinting
pistol pete - 7/2/16 at 08:39 AM

My mk runs 205 60 13 and 185 60 13, i am going to run super softs for my sprinting events..
It weighs 500kg wuth a busa engine

What sort of tyre pressures do you recommend to use as a starting point?
Always had the mr2 slightly higher to get them to warm up quickers, its a 1 lap sprint with no tyre warming allowed.

Any advice would help

steve m - 7/2/16 at 12:13 PM

I have 205/13 on the back, and 185/13 fronts, and run 16/17 psi
this is only road use, but somewhere to sart with


LBMEFM - 7/2/16 at 12:33 PM

Depends on the tyres, on my MK Indyblade, which weighs a similar weight to yours, On track I use Toyo 888's which I run at 13psi. Contrary to what you would expect, reading a report from Toyo expert on here some time ago, if your tyres get a little too hot then reduce the pressure. With these pressure however the grip is superb.

jeffw - 7/2/16 at 12:47 PM

What tyres are you running and which class do you intend to run in?

pistol pete - 7/2/16 at 01:47 PM

I expect ill be running kuhmo v70a super softs..
I usd to run in the Toyota sprit series.. Now move to javeling sprint series class b2 I think