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NE Derbyshire (J29 Plague)
macdave69 - 16/1/02 at 12:31 AM

Thought I'd mention that a plague of locosts meet 1st Wednesday of the month at the Twin Oaks Motel on the roundabout at J29 M1.

Come and join in and give the barmaid marks out of 10
(all join in)
I'd give 'er 1


bob - 16/1/02 at 06:58 PM

What time ?

macdave69 - 17/1/02 at 12:49 AM

usually around 7.30

macdave69 - 5/2/02 at 06:56 PM

Tomorrow night is J29 night,
7.30 at the twin oaks next to m1 j29

see you all there

(well perhaps not ALL, maybe some)

macdave69 - 9/2/02 at 09:36 PM

It was nice to see some fresh faces at last wednesday's meet, hope that you enjoyed the experience

alan wheeldon - 13/2/02 at 09:11 PM

hi Dave,

ye it was good, gave us a chance to get some ideas on how to build it, im still scratching my head at the mo cos ive ran out of money to buy stuff for it. hehehe !!

macdave69 - 14/2/02 at 06:44 PM

it's always the case, as Bryn keeps reminding me, that those with the time rarely have the money and those with the money rarely have the time!
I spent three months saving up for the "last push" towards completion and know how frustrating it is.
Even more frustrating is seeing Jon's 'blade Locost last weekend and realising that his is gonna be the dogs bits and mine is gonna spend most of the time following it. Won't need to paint mine green, the envy on my face will be sufficient

alan wheeldon - 14/2/02 at 08:40 PM

i went up to see him the other day and hes done a great job on his build.

i just hope mine turns out as good as that.

Jon Ison - 19/2/02 at 08:43 PM

Hi lads, just found this site, nearly all body work on now, should be on its wheels this weekend, thanks for the comments, one of em was spot on Dave, you will be follwing it, lol, tank under construction.

macdave69 - 19/2/02 at 11:15 PM

Having said that, I have a cunning plan which involves getting out the car park first whilst you are using your manual reverse (legs) and keeping it nailed to the destination,

You might be bad but I'm the daddy of evil

Jon Ison - 23/2/02 at 07:12 PM

update for all J29 gooners, engine in , car on its own wheels, coooooooooor, not long now.

alan wheeldon - 24/2/02 at 12:31 PM

nice one !!

just about timed it right for summer

Jon Ison - 24/2/02 at 05:08 PM

gear linkage, radiator, exhaust manifold today, tis come boys, tis coming, see you all after Aus G Prix, cum on Eddie.

macdave69 - 24/2/02 at 05:11 PM

nah I feel that Raif Shoe Maker chappie will be most valiant this year, That young rhabscallion is nothing more than an overpaid upstart, with more mouth than talent

Jon Ison - 24/2/02 at 06:03 PM

Bit like GM engines then ?

macdave69 - 24/2/02 at 06:24 PM

Grrrr, your doing it again and what with me running out of my medication too!

Jon Ison - 24/2/02 at 06:59 PM

If i could speel it i would ask if you GM is ginetically Modified at all, need another bank a cylinders ?