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retro rides 2014
theconrodkid - 26/8/14 at 11:53 AM

anyone going ?

clairetoo - 26/8/14 at 05:44 PM

And if all goes to plan I should be there Friday night.......

Mr Whippy - 26/8/14 at 09:37 PM

too far

Oddified - 26/8/14 at 10:31 PM

Maybe, depends on the weather forecast nearer the weekend


theconrodkid - 27/8/14 at 06:34 AM

i didnt doubt you would be there Claire .see you all there,ill be wearing my locostbuildes T shirt.

Oddified - 27/8/14 at 06:26 PM

The weather forecast is looking good, so i'll be there

I'll look out for fellow 'locosters'
