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Chequer plate background
ChrisW - 1/5/03 at 11:36 PM

Toned the chequer plate bg down a bit. Is that better? I really want to get everyone on to the same theme to save me all the messing around each time I want to change something!


David Jenkins - 2/5/03 at 07:23 AM

Much, much better!

So good, I didn't notice... before this was fixed I would log on, and go "urgh" every time! This time, I just logged in...

Nice to see all the sponsor banners too - not too intrusive.



Mark H - 2/5/03 at 08:28 AM

Yes, nice job with the banners too, Chris.


Ian Pearson - 2/5/03 at 08:30 AM

No offense Chris, but the chequer plate is hard on the eyes. Mine anyway. Can we not have the option to have a different background?

theconrodkid - 3/5/03 at 11:12 AM

how bout carbon fibre or a tropical beach scene to remind me of home?

ChrisW - 3/5/03 at 12:18 PM

Having two choices of colour scheme (which includes the background) means twice the work for me every time something goes wrong so I'd rather avoid it if possible.


Cheffy - 3/5/03 at 09:03 PM

Don't wish to be controversial, but I quite like the background.


Ian Pearson - 4/5/03 at 05:41 PM

Aaaaaagh....Welding mask on then!

ChrisW - 4/5/03 at 05:59 PM

Come on it's not that bad. I know most people like it! How about I make the background a bit darker?


Alan B - 4/5/03 at 10:41 PM

wot background's that then?

mines blue.....

Mark18 - 6/5/03 at 12:14 PM

he chequer plate bg down a bit. Is that better? I really want to get everyone on to the same theme to save me all the messing around each time I want to change something!
For what it' s worth I think the carbonfibre idea is a great one, but the revised checkerplate is fine. All this is a bit trivial if you ask me, and you seem to be doing all this out of the goodness of your heart, so I'd be more than happy to put up with just the one design - so long as it's not that mental metalhippy one!

stephen_gusterson - 6/5/03 at 09:54 PM

my son uses a gaming site that seems to use similar software / layout to this one.

It looks really cool.



Rob Lane - 9/5/03 at 08:25 AM

Must say I find the chequer plate hard on the eyes and had the options set for plain blue when I was logged in.

Now it's dissappeared I don't realise I'm logged on and have left it with me supposedly present, when not.

I used the background to remind me.

Rob Lane

James - 9/5/03 at 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Rob Lane
Must say I find the chequer plate hard on the eyes and had the options set for plain blue when I was logged in.

Now it's dissappeared I don't realise I'm logged on and have left it with me supposedly present, when not.

I used the background to remind me.

Rob Lane

Hi Rob,

From what Chris has told me your connection times-out after 10 minutes or so anyway. You could double check this with another pc you'e never logged onto LB with.

