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Flat pack chassis
jason187781 - 2/6/08 at 05:26 PM

Hi all Just to let anyone who is interested in building a Locost from scratch that i can supply a flat pack version of the Locost chassis!! ie all you have to do is lign it up and weld it. I can also supply individual parts if required and am working on a list now. Thanks for takeing the time to hear me out and feel free to email me at if you need anything. Cheers Jason. Rescued attachment Picture 007.jpgLOCOST F P PIC D.jpg
Rescued attachment Picture 007.jpgLOCOST F P PIC D.jpg

MikeR - 2/6/08 at 05:30 PM

We have a for sale section and traders must be registered.

Good luck with the chassis tubes - would have made my life a bit easier if you'd been around 8 years ago.

locoboy - 2/6/08 at 05:36 PM

I have seen you mentioned on the haynes forum, im seriosly tempted i'll be honest.

I would advise that you remove your post though before it gets removed and youregister as a trader, i think it would be worth your while to be honest.

IITC it's about 10-12 quid a month if you sign up for 12 months.

Good luck with the sales.

graememk - 2/6/08 at 06:44 PM

what sort of money and which book is it

smart51 - 2/6/08 at 06:44 PM

I wouldn't remove the post just yet. Register as a trader and put your post in the For Sale section, then remove it from here.

Mave - 2/6/08 at 08:34 PM

Hmm, it would be nice to have a round tube chassis as a flatpack........

jason187781 - 2/6/08 at 09:46 PM

Oh sorry I have been on the Roadster forums and didn't realise that this sort of post fell under a different set of rules I will remove and start again on the sale section. now i will attempt to upgrade Cheers for the heads up, Jason

loggyboy - 5/6/08 at 06:57 PM

Is there any Gen on these? prices etc?