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Collapsible Steering wheel boss IVA
wonderfulweasel - 11/10/22 at 07:56 AM

I failed my IVA last week. One of the Fail items was the lack of a collapsible boss for the steering wheel. I have a Sierra steering column and a Mountney style wheel with Westfield padding.

I had thought that the corrugated part of the column (hidden beneath the shroud and dash) provided the compressible element from the drivers end. Stupidly, I forgot to show the tester this at the time. Does anyone know if I am correct and would be ok to show him that part of the steering? (Ideally from recent experience). Or do I need to get hold of one of the collapsible bosses for the steering wheel?

Thanks for any advice that can be given.

[Edited on 11/10/22 by wonderfulweasel]

Stuart Walker - 11/10/22 at 08:40 AM

I can't be 100% sure so not a particularly helpful reply I'm afraid, but -
at my first test I had a Sierra wheel (no collapsible boss) with the collapsible column and it wasn't highlighted as a fail. However we had already agreed I would need to replace the wheel anyway, and I had the other one with me (with collapsible boss attached) and the tester had seen this, so it might be that he didn't highlight it as a fail because he knew I'd be switching to one with the boss.

On the second test I had a collapsible boss (and the column) and passed no problem, but I recall it was the boss he looked at.

About as much help as a... sorry!

40inches - 11/10/22 at 09:38 AM

Originally posted by wonderfulweasel
I failed my IVA last week. One of the Fail items was the lack of a collapsible boss for the steering wheel. I have a Sierra steering column and a Mountney style wheel with Westfield padding.

I had thought that the corrugated part of the column (hidden beneath the shroud and dash) provided the compressible element from the drivers end. Stupidly, I forgot to show the tester this at the time. Does anyone know if I am correct and would be ok to show him that part of the steering? (Ideally from recent experience). Or do I need to get hold of one of the collapsible bosses for the steering wheel?

Thanks for any advice that can be given.

[Edited on 11/10/22 by wonderfulweasel]

You are correct about the column being collapsible plus the triangular section also retracts into the column top.
I would think that nearly all Locost/7 style kits have used the Sierra column and passed SVA/IVA.
Edit to add that I didn't use the Siera column, but a MGTF column, it didn't have a collapsable section, but 2 UJ's instead. This was checked at IVA and passed.

[Edited on 11-10-22 by 40inches]

Charlie_Zetec - 11/10/22 at 10:43 AM

I seem to recall that part of the column had to be collapsible, not every aspect of it - so the Sierra column and non-fixed lower (with the UJ's) should have been acceptable had it been seen. I would either call the tester/test centre or send an email with pictures requesting clarification, and try to get a response in writing. Frustrating if this is the only thing it failed on, but suck up the £90 retest fee and go back with evidence in-hand!

wonderfulweasel - 11/10/22 at 10:45 AM

There were a couple of other bits. I just don’t want to go back without changing it and fail again on the same!

russbost - 11/10/22 at 12:43 PM

Unfortunately I think this is about the greyest of the grey areas in the manual - I have read & re-read the steering column section loads of times & have never fully been able to make sense of it.

My understanding is that if you have u/j joints set such that the lower part of the column collapses "sideways" rather than a solid column pushing forces toward the driver then a collapsible column , such as pretty much any vaguely modern car would have is all that's required, SFAIK there is no requirement for a separate collapsible boss. I have put around a dozen or so Furore's through the test plus a few customer's built similarly & never been asked for a collapsible boss.

Having said that, unless you are able to phone the test centre & speak to the tester (I would imagine fat chance) or speak to VOSA, you are stuck with that tester's opinion. Try Mark Vickers, Steve Jones, Stuart Rangecroft 01792 454351 at VOSA which I've used in the past, but no idea if still valid, email or Steve.James

If you can't speak to someone you don't want to risk another retest so I'd suggest ask on here if anyone has a collapsible boss they'd lend you for the test

Neville Jones - 11/10/22 at 01:11 PM

My son IVA'd his car at Bristol a year ago, and was 'failed' on the same boss issue.( as the boss was the only issue, they let him go as they were impressed by the build.) He had to promise to add the boss.

The steering was as above. Sierra column with sliding section and uj's offset. But collapsable section under the wheel was still required. Every tester will have his own interpretation.

[Edited on 11/10/22 by Neville Jones]

nick205 - 11/10/22 at 01:43 PM

SVA for me, pre IVA and a good few years ago so rules may be different. However, my Sierra based MK Indy passed fine using the Sierra steering column and Sierra steering wheel. The Sierra wheel was changed after for a smaller diamter one.

It certainly didn't have a "collapsible steering wheel boss".

There was a rule about the centre of the steering wheel being padded, but the Sierra wheel complied with that and was fine (part of the reason I used it for the test.

adithorp - 11/10/22 at 07:00 PM

Remember the column has to protect you from...
A) it being punched towards you from the bottom.
B) from you flying into it from the top (yes i know "seat belts" but thats the way it is)

A) is achieved by the collapable column section and/or offset links.
B) is done either by wheel padding and a collapsible boss or a certified padded collapsible wheel (like the Sierra one)

Most opt to use the Sierra wheel as it also gives a larger exempt area on the dash and then replace after.

wonderfulweasel - 11/10/22 at 10:13 PM

Thanks for all of the replies. I think a Sierra wheel is probably the way to go. Something tells me that’s going to be easier than finding a collapsible boss at short notice!

JC - 12/10/22 at 02:30 AM

I 'think' I may have a Sierra wheel in the Garage.....I know I used to but can't remember if I gifted it elsewhere with a load of other bits! I'm away until Saturday but can check if that helps?

nick205 - 12/10/22 at 07:28 AM

Originally posted by adithorp
Remember the column has to protect you from...
A) it being punched towards you from the bottom.
B) from you flying into it from the top (yes i know "seat belts" but thats the way it is)

A) is achieved by the collapable column section and/or offset links.
B) is done either by wheel padding and a collapsible boss or a certified padded collapsible wheel (like the Sierra one)

Most opt to use the Sierra wheel as it also gives a larger exempt area on the dash and then replace after.

"Most opt to use the Sierra wheel as it also gives a larger exempt area on the dash and then replace after"

This was me for my SVA test:

1. It gave me good dash coverage area to ensure I didn't have to worry about too much.
2. It also saved me a few £££ at the time from having to buy a new steering wheel as the Sierra one was there and ready to use (+ fitted the steering column).

wonderfulweasel - 12/10/22 at 07:37 PM

If you could check JC, that would be most helpful.

I’ve got my eye on a couple on the dreaded eBay, so will let you know if I do get sorted before the weekend!

JC - 22/10/22 at 01:28 PM

Hi there,
I finally got to check the garage.
I have 2 Sierra wheels, one standard wheel - yours for whatever the postage is, and one Ford 3 spoke steering wheel - not an RS but very similar, make me an offer for that… I can put up photos of either.

wonderfulweasel - 22/10/22 at 02:05 PM

Thanks JC. I did manage to get one cheap, which has cleaned up ok.
Retest is on Wednesday, so hopefully this has sorted the collapsible boss issue!