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Electro Rave Rangers debut single :D
blakep82 - 12/1/15 at 06:34 PM

some of you like dance music i know (some of you don't but thats cool! if you don't, then maybe this isn't for you)

so, my mate and I, Electro Rave Rangers, have our first single properly released today, signed to a record label, the lot (a subsidiary of a big one too!)

its called Altimeter, by Electro Rave Rangers, available on all the usual download services:

Google play
Google radio
Itunes Radio

itunes and google play are most notable i guess

just a bit of self promotion, thats all

Benzine - 12/1/15 at 06:50 PM

Just buy'd it on google play. Kvality! Nice one dude

I see it's on youtube already:

blakep82 - 12/1/15 at 06:58 PM

ha ha theres a load of people with some very awkward dance moves. wish i had moves like him
cheers dude
weirdly i can't find it on youtube, and the labels page hasn't been updated in over a year. it must be on there somewhere though

Marcus - 20/1/15 at 05:57 PM

Liking that on Spotify, sounds a little Mr Oiseau at the beginning

wylliezx9r - 20/1/15 at 07:20 PM

Just listened to on Spotify. I really like it. I used to be well into my trance about 10 years ago. If you release any more let us know. Thumbs up !

sparkyj83 - 20/1/15 at 07:26 PM

hay have you got a link with a clip congrats be the way