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Bottom wishbones and bushes
EasyJimbo - 21/7/09 at 06:52 PM

I know according to the build manual that the top front wishbones can only go on one side, but is this the same with the bottom ones on the front?
Also anyone got any tips on getting the bushes in, i managed on one wishbone to get the 2 bushes in and then inserted the steel sleeve but the sleeve pushed one of the bushes out and now I cant get it back in becuase of the sleeve being in there.
Any advice much apreciated

jack_t - 21/7/09 at 07:00 PM

bushes are easy to put in
squeeze the to nylon halves in using a vice they may look like they will collapse and nip if you dont get them straight but usually if u keep going they will go in

then just push the steel tube all the way through from one side with the vice jaws

below is a picture of the correct orriantation of the front wishbones both top and bottom
tops have to be fitted rod upright and at the front
bottoms have to be flat bit to the front and tapered part to the back
regards jack


mad-butcher - 21/7/09 at 07:45 PM

is it a std indy or R type.
if it's the standard MK then the lower w/bones fit either side and the tops are handed to give a certain amount of caster

tony Rescued attachment wishbone orientation.jpg
Rescued attachment wishbone orientation.jpg

EasyJimbo - 21/7/09 at 08:00 PM

thanks guys, most helpful.

MautoK - 21/7/09 at 08:20 PM

When I did mine (over 5 years ago) I filed a slight chamfer on one end of all the tubes (somewhat tedious) and wound them in using the vice. No problems.

Blackcab - 22/7/09 at 09:44 PM

put them in hot water for a few minutes before they are urethane so will return to original shape