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IVA Pass - Bristol
Davedew - 10/4/14 at 10:37 AM

After 4 and a bit years I'm pleased to say my Roadster passed IVA first time at Bristol yesterday.

Was an early start but all went well. Nowhere near as nerve wracking as I thought it could have been. Tester was a really nice guy.

Only had two things to alter during the test. Reflectors didn't have E marks. They don't need to, but for your own sake I would make sure they do. Luckily I had a spare set that did.

Also the nuts that secure the mirrors to the car, even though they are sold as IVA ok needed to be covered.

I asked what he required & the response was 'your the manufacturer, do what you consider acceptable'.

He was happy with this LOL.

Everything else went through fine. Emissions were well within limits. Speedo was spot on. Brake balance was near perfect. Noise 96.5db with a 1200 Suzuki Bandit exhaust can. Self centering all ok. Dominator headlights from Furore were perfect.

Foglight wasn't quite vertical, he said 'seeing as it was so close I could sort it when I got home!!'

My response was yes of course

I thought that was nice of him. No where in the manual does it mention the word 'vertical' only square to the rear, but didn't need to argue with him

Started test 8.20. Tea break 9.40 until 10.30. Test concluded at 11. Car back on trailer by 11.15. Certificate in my hand and gone by 11.30.

Not quite 2 hours actual testing. Easy £450 for them if you ask me.

If anybody wants any more info about the IVA just ask.

Just got to fill in the form for DVLA and post it all tomorrow.

Paul AS - 10/4/14 at 10:44 AM

Congratulations mate! Well done. You've got to laugh about your manufacturers modifications, but fair play to the guy - he wanted you to pass!!

adithorp - 10/4/14 at 11:03 AM

Nice one! Soon be registered and on the road. With a bit of luck you might make Stoneleigh.

It's pretty well know that "square" and is interpreted at IVA as 90degrees to the horizontal. It's been a common failure and is probably one of the things most often raised in "pre-IVA photo" threads.

loggyboy - 10/4/14 at 11:15 AM

Good job!
Always good to see some common sence from testers.

I dont think you could argue the foglight though, square to the rear is exectly the same as vertical! Its a different way of saying the same thing.

Irony - 10/4/14 at 11:35 AM

IVA tester at nottingham explained to me why its important to have the foglight 'square' to the rear. He said normal rear lights are flood lamps that shine all over the place. Fog lights should emit a narrow flat beam parallel to the ground. If its angled upwards it will dazzle.

Seem fair enough.

£450 is a lot if you sail through, if you have a few things to correct then the test takes much longer.

Davedew - 10/4/14 at 11:43 AM

Thanks for the replies.

Fog light was always a possible sticking point. It is an LED version with 11 LED's in it. Because of the domed lens shape, and each LED having its own reflector around it 2 of the LED's were technically facing straight back.

Anyway it's relevant now as I got my cert so that's all that matters.

[Edited on 10/4/14 by Davedew]

Slater - 10/4/14 at 01:36 PM

Well done. Nice looking build. All the best people pass first time !!

CosKev3 - 10/4/14 at 01:43 PM

Well done! Looks a very nice build

Originally posted by Slater
Well done. Nice looking build. All the best people pass first time !!

All the lucky people pass first time you mean!!!

As lots of testers would have failed it and not let you put a bit of tape over the nuts,and plenty would not class that tape as good enough even if they let you put it on!!!

loggyboy - 10/4/14 at 02:24 PM

Also, I thought the mirrors were exempt from the exterior projections test?

Davedew - 10/4/14 at 02:56 PM

I thought they were also exempt. That's why I never put any covers on them.

He also spent a long time looking for E numbers on all the lights & even the tyres!!
They all had one on. I thought it was only the fog light that had to have an E number.

loggyboy - 10/4/14 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Davedew
I thought they were also exempt. That's why I never put any covers on them.

He also spent a long time looking for E numbers on all the lights & even the tyres!!
They all had one on. I thought it was only the fog light that had to have an E number.

Maybe he was a novice!?
As you say only fogs need E (and B or F) marking - others only need to omit a light that is considered equivelent of an E marked item.

Davedew - 10/4/14 at 03:29 PM

Definitely not a novice as he had worked at the Taunton VOSA centre before they closed it about 3 years ago.
He wasn't a young chap either.

Maybe he just thought if its got an E number it's approved and didn't need to check it.

Radius sphere came out the cupboard, got carried around the car, then put back in the cupboard!

serieslandy - 10/4/14 at 04:10 PM

Congratulations on the pass.

neilp1 - 10/4/14 at 04:38 PM

Nice one, I'll hopefully be ready for the IVA very soon.

As for 90 deg for the fog lamp hos does he measure it as mine are square to the rear, but 90 deg I'm not to sure.

loggyboy - 10/4/14 at 06:08 PM

Square means both horizontally and vertically!

Davedew - 10/4/14 at 08:20 PM

He didn't measure it, just looked at it.

The Black Flash - 11/4/14 at 10:09 AM

Very well done.

Proby - 11/4/14 at 10:22 AM

Excellent result, well done!

daveb666 - 11/4/14 at 12:14 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Also, I thought the mirrors were exempt from the exterior projections test?

I had a fail on my first IVA test for the mirrors as well. Ended up replacing them as it was easier at the time.

Also, my rear fog light had a spirit level up against it to make sure it was level!