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DSG trannies?
Delinquent - 11/4/08 at 12:43 PM

Anyone know anything about them - well for starters are there any DSG transaxles being used or are the mostly the reserve of the transverse engine? Are they full of computer wizardry that makes them a nightmare to consider removing from their donor's engine and ECU ?

Hell any info to improve my understanding would be good

John.Taylor - 11/4/08 at 07:18 PM

Only dual clutch gearbox's on the market are in the VAG range, Veyron and new Skyline and Mitsi Evo X.

VAG ones are mounted to the engine and don't like torque and others aren't exactly abundent or low cost.

Supposedly Ford and Fiat are releasing DCT's this year, but it will be a good few years before we start to see them filter down to locosts.

Transplant a VAG DCT isn't too bad. I've seen one in a Mk2 GTI, albeit connected to the original R32 engine and complete with the whole loom still intact!

Delinquent - 11/4/08 at 08:09 PM

Thanks John, I feared as much. I'd really rather like to lose the clutch and move gear change to the steering wheel, but the few cars I've driven with that setup have been... poor at best (well other than the Lambo LP640 - that was rather good ). From what my brother was telling me the VAG one is very good, but I've not been able to find any specifics on it, or if they do it in longitudinal mount as opposed to the transverse in the vehicles he's driven with it.

cossey - 12/4/08 at 07:25 AM

the golf boxes are all fwd style transverses but with the option of 4wd on the r32 ones via a propshaft to a haldex diff at the rear.

they are vv heavy (90kg) and only good for 350nm so 258lbft.

Delinquent - 12/4/08 at 10:33 AM

So really not much use at all then! I briefly considered trying to re-orientate the engine to transverse to give more scope on the 'box, but I just cant get over the fact that I've spent a lot of time and effort getting the cofg as low as possible - which would be completely scuppered going transverse.

Shame, would have been very beneficial to get rid of the clutch and stick, but looks like they are staying!