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Moshe get's married
Cita - 11/12/05 at 03:13 PM

Moshe and Esther are getting married and during the wedding party Moshe is informed by his father Chaim that according Jewish tradition,man and woman must sleep together but it's forbidden to have sex during these first 3 days.
Moshe, being of the rather horny type thinks:my God 3 days is a hell of a long time with a lovely creature as Esther.

The first night in bed Moshe says to Esther:I know my dear about the 3 day rule but if I only kiss you it would do no harm.
No, says Esther cause I know you Moshe,you would loose control immediately.
The second night Moshe is making another attempt and he says:Esther if I only touch you with my hands,that doesn't mean we have sex;do we?
Yes, says Esther:that is also sex Moshe.
Almost bursting into tears from frustration Moshe turns his back to his newly wife.
The 3 night Moshe is about to explode from desire and he ask's Esther:my dear if I only would sniff,that certainly would brake no rule,of that I'm sure.
Esther realizing what Moshe is going through finnaly says:OK Moshe but only sniffing!Nothing more.
Moshe immediately starts his exploration and sniff's on Esthers breasts for a very long period and than works his way down to Esthers triangle of pasion!
After a few short sniff's,Moshe is jumping from under the sheets and says:
Esther my dear,are you sure this will be still fresh tommorow!!