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Moon by telescope
Fozzie - 21/5/10 at 10:10 PM

Quite pleased tonight ...

I got t'other half a super dooper telescope for Christmas.....a Celestron Power Seeker.

We have just been out in the garden, nice clear(ish) night, moon and star gazing......

Using the 150x lens on the telescope, I took this picture.....


scootz - 21/5/10 at 10:13 PM

BenB - 21/5/10 at 10:14 PM

That's wierd. The moon is like a new moon down here in London Very strange. Was just sat in my garden post BBQ gazing up at it....

Browser - 21/5/10 at 10:23 PM

Nice shot, mind me asking how you hooked up the camera to the 'scope?

splitrivet - 21/5/10 at 10:30 PM

Sitting out late on on a summers night preferably with a glass of good red and looking up at the night sky just fills me with awe especially in France with no ambient light just so beautiful.

bob - 21/5/10 at 10:31 PM

Scope straight to USB i'm guessing.

SteveWalker - 21/5/10 at 10:37 PM

Originally posted by splitrivet
Sitting out late on on a summers night preferably with a glass of good red and looking up at the night sky just fills me with awe especially in France with no ambient light just so beautiful.

Grrrrr. My parents own half a house in Brittany (uncle and aunt own the other half. I and my wife and kids love going over, but the local authorities have put up bloody streetlighting in the village

iscmatt - 21/5/10 at 11:17 PM

Originally posted by bob
Scope straight to USB i'm guessing.

I'm guessing camera lens down the eye piece

Fozzie - 21/5/10 at 11:19 PM

Ben .... I'm ever so slightly south of you ... in Surrey ... LOL and its a half moon .... but it moves so very quickly ..... the shot I have posted is 'scaled down' (resized) ... I will do some close-ups of the same pic and post them up....

How did I do it.......???????

Very technibubble .....

I got the moon in focus, positioned my Nikon over the lens (being careful not to touch it of course) ... and pressed the button ....

We put the 400x lens on the scope but it was so close .... you couldn't really see the 'big picture' could have been anything really ...

The scope is Celestron Power Seeker 127EQ

I will post a couple more pics up shortly


iscmatt gets the prize!...

907 - 21/5/10 at 11:39 PM

Hi Fozzie,
I too am fond of the half moon. It's my local.

On a more serious note you might like this site.

Scroll down to Whole sky chart

If you log in your lat/long (ie London) it gives the sky in real time, or you can change the time and see what will be on view at any given time.

Paul G

Fozzie - 21/5/10 at 11:44 PM

Paul, ....It was only after posted.......did I think to myself......'Half Moon' hmmmmmm LOL

Thanks very much for that web site .... we shall be studying it carefully

907 - 22/5/10 at 12:18 AM

I can't keep up with you posh lot down south.

Mine's a true Locost jobbie. The front lens is from a WW11 Mozzie and the focus is done via a Lancaster bomb site.
The middle is 6" water main.

Build Yourself A 6" Refractor for under £50, and see the Rings of Saturn.

Image deleted by owner

Paul G

Fozzie - 22/5/10 at 01:09 AM

Zoomed in shot of the first one....flash off

Slightly different angle, slower speed and flash on

Camera not square over the lens .... normal speed, flash on

Paul yours looks the biz.....

balidey - 22/5/10 at 07:31 AM

So, your flash is powerful enough to light the moon. Cool

wilkingj - 22/5/10 at 08:13 AM

Originally posted by 907
I can't keep up with you posh lot down south.

Mine's a true Locost jobbie. The front lens is from a WW11 Mozzie and the focus is done via a Lancaster bomb site.
The middle is 6" water main.

Build Yourself A 6" Refractor for under £50, and see the Rings of Saturn.

Paul G

Thats Great and done in the Truest of Locostbuilder style.

Many years ago I got interested in astronomy.
With my Locost built Mirror on a Stick I could see Uranus.

I had to get that one in!
Nice 'scope by 907, but then I would not expect anything less from our local engineering fabricating genius!

Peteff - 22/5/10 at 08:42 AM

When our neighbour doesn't draw the curtains we get a full moon. I use my binoculars to moon watch (the real moon, honest) and it's surprising how much detail they pick up.

907 - 22/5/10 at 09:04 AM

Originally posted by wilkingj

Many years ago I got interested in astronomy.
With my Locost built Mirror on a Stick I could see Uranus.

I had to get that one in!

I have had some lovely views of the "Great Red Spot"

Paul G

yellow melos - 22/5/10 at 09:07 AM

Have you looked at the astronomy software yet... quite fun to play with.

nice telescope by the way.. i really wanted one of the fully motorised ones
( CPC secies i think ) just go out side.. point at 3 stars.. and it will align it's self........ saves so much time setting up !!!

Fozzie - 22/5/10 at 02:58 PM

Originally posted by yellow melos
Have you looked at the astronomy software yet... quite fun to play with.

nice telescope by the way.. i really wanted one of the fully motorised ones
( CPC secies i think ) just go out side.. point at 3 stars.. and it will align it's self........ saves so much time setting up !!!

Thanks.... ^ ^
One of the points of buying him that, was so that I wouldn't be stuck for birthday/Christmas ideas in the future....just buy him the filters and accessories......he was talking about the motorised bit as an 'add on' last night....and Bob gave us an idea with the linking to PC all good.

No yellow, not looked at the software as yet on the list 'to do' ....

Balidey....LOL re the flash lighting up the moon.....

No, as I didn't have the camera lens 'square on', it picked up outside light, not to mention the reflections from the prisms.....
I also need to consult my camera handbook ....prolly had the wrong setting on it anyway ....


Peteff - 22/5/10 at 04:09 PM

I downloaded some free software for a friend of mine who is into astronomy and has no broadband. It's called Redshift, I don't know what it does but he was impressed with it.

Simon - 24/5/10 at 09:31 PM

The moon taken while I was there a couple of weeks back



Major Stare - 24/5/10 at 09:37 PM


My 7yr old is after a telescope. He wants to see the moon and other planets.

Told him his budget is about £50.00, if he likes it, i'll get a better item.

Any idea's?

David Jenkins - 24/5/10 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by yellow melos
. i really wanted one of the fully motorised ones
( CPC secies i think ) just go out side.. point at 3 stars.. and it will align it's self........ saves so much time setting up !!!

My bro's in the local astronomical society - they've just bought a posh motorised reflecting scope of around 18". Trouble was, when I was there, they hadn't got the software right so when they sent the command to point it at the pole star, it whizzed around and pointed at the floor!

[Edited on 25/5/10 by David Jenkins]

hughpinder - 25/5/10 at 12:22 PM

^^^ The obviously bought an australian model..
