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Parcel force nightmare
Bigboystoys - 13/7/11 at 08:17 PM

Just come home to find a letter from parcel force saying I need to pay them £21 before they will deliver my dummy balance shaft. That's £7.50 tax and £13.50 handling charge!!!! I wouldn't mind but the dummy balance shaft was only 29 dollar's. The postage was 50 dollar's. This has turned out to be one rather expensive dummy balance shaft!!!! Surely the original postage costs should cover this handling fee!!!

Daddylonglegs - 13/7/11 at 08:34 PM

At least they are going to deliver it mate. Everytime we have something coming via Parcel Force, they don't deliver, then when you check online they say there was no-one in. THere is almost always someone in 7 days a week. When we ring up, they say that the driver couldn't find the premises. What the F!!!! make your mind up people!! When I asked one of the drivers that finally found us if they had a Sat Nav they said "no, the company won't give us one so we use the mobile".

I would never use them if I had a choice but if the company I buy of uses them I have no say. Hey Ho!

Paul TigerB6 - 13/7/11 at 08:35 PM

Afraid not - i'm just waiting on some wheels for my bike (pedal) from the USA.

Duty @2.7% is payable and then VAT is added on the item PLUS postage. I think the minimum limit is £32 currently below which its not worth HMRC bothering.

I'm afraid its an expensive learning experience there but the potential costs aren't too difficult to find really regarding importing parts. Samples are allowed tax free and is sometimes used as a tax dodge. Parcels sent via USPS also often got away without the taxes - hoping this is still the case as my bike wheels are £720 with postage meaning a potential £200 bill to pay still.

Bigboystoys - 13/7/11 at 08:44 PM

A learning curve indeed. If I could have got it over here I would of but they only appear to be made in America. To be honest what its cost me now I prob would have been better to have had it machined up. O well what with this and my fine for urinating on the motorway the government has done alright out of me lately!!!

Bigboystoys - 13/7/11 at 08:45 PM

A learning curve indeed. If I could have got it over here I would of but they only appear to be made in America. To be honest what its cost me now I prob would have been better to have had it machined up. O well what with this and my fine for urinating on the motorway the government has done alright out of me lately!!!

Paul TigerB6 - 13/7/11 at 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Bigboystoys
O well what with this and my fine for urinating on the motorway the government has done alright out of me lately!!!

Errrrmmmmm do tell - sounds like a story in that one!!

You weren't on a bridge trying to get all the convertibles going under were you??

ashg - 13/7/11 at 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Originally posted by Bigboystoys
O well what with this and my fine for urinating on the motorway the government has done alright out of me lately!!!

Errrrmmmmm do tell - sounds like a story in that one!!

You weren't on a bridge trying to get all the convertibles going under were you??

now that sounds fun has to be worth the fine

sky12042 - 13/7/11 at 09:46 PM

Parcel force should be called PARCEL FARCE

Always having problems with them.


Bigboystoys - 13/7/11 at 10:28 PM

Pulled over by side of the a1 went running up the bank trying not to wee myself, lost about 4 stone in fluid then come back to the car where there was a cooper that thought he was some sort of 80's porn star in his crap sunnys. Told me to go sit in my car while he checked all my details before returning with a £30 fine. Apparently I should have been grateful it wasn't 60 and included the offence of stopping on motorway for unnecessary reason. He let me of the later as all my docs and details were good. What a nice man!!!!

Ninehigh - 13/7/11 at 11:11 PM

Tbh I'd have thought a safe place to drop 4 stone of fluid would count as an emergency

Still it shows what inflation has done to "spending a penny"

[Edited on 13/7/11 by Ninehigh]

T66 - 14/7/11 at 06:30 AM

Parcelforce are collecting the tax on behalf of the Tax man

Not their fault unfortunately, they just get all the complaints

David Jenkins - 14/7/11 at 06:59 AM

Originally posted by T66
Parcelforce are collecting the tax on behalf of the Tax man

Not their fault unfortunately, they just get all the complaints

It's not the tax I object to (much), it's the handling charge - I've been stung for the same sort of money when I ordered my Megajolt kit from the States.

Not as bad as the time I ordered a heap of stuff and got stung for a £60 handling charge by DHL! That was almost 50% of the order cost!

Bigboystoys - 14/7/11 at 09:56 AM

Yeh mine was a 13.50 handling charge. Tax I understand but handling charge???? Surely my original postage cost should cover that especially at 50 dollar's

Neville Jones - 14/7/11 at 10:32 AM

When buying from the USA, it's always a good idea to ask if the seller has a UPS account, or uses them.

I've never had a problem with UPS. Not the cheapest freight, I'll grant you, but economical when you look at the total end cost.

I've got a UPS account, and it's cheaper by near half for me to order a 'bring back', than the US end adding the freight. I still have to pay import duties when applicable, and the vat, but no handling charges, and vat is only on the cost of the part, as freight is billed and paid here.

Just something to consider...
