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Report it or be flattered......
Jon Ison - 12/12/06 at 05:54 PM

A guy selling same sort of car as ours on ebay as nicked the pics of our interior too put in his listing, trouble is with the child seat and the blue door pillars and his car been red gives the game away a bit.

Was just looking if any similar cars was listed, didnt expect too find one exactly the same...........

Humbug - 12/12/06 at 05:56 PM

Report it - if you are trying to sell yours and he's "competing" unfairly, you have every right!

SALAD - 12/12/06 at 06:07 PM

Report the lazy so-and-so! Wipe out the competition.

balidey - 12/12/06 at 06:10 PM

I had someone rip off my complete write up before, i e-mailed him and he just replied 'but your write up was so good, better than i could have done, so i left it.

But i think you should contact him and ask for it to be changed, if he doesn't, report him

stevec - 12/12/06 at 06:12 PM

Triton was using my car in his seat advert for ages, but it didnt bother me.
But if it is affecting the sale of your car nail him.

Humbug - 12/12/06 at 06:17 PM

The difference is, Triton wasn't trying to sell a car in competition with you (presumably??)

stevec - 12/12/06 at 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Humbug
The difference is, Triton wasn't trying to sell a car in competition with you (presumably??)

Thats what I said if you look. I said if its affecting your sale, Nail him.

Jon Ison - 12/12/06 at 06:38 PM

Here is our listing, can you find the other ?

[Edited on 12/12/06 by Jon Ison]

Guinness - 12/12/06 at 06:50 PM

This it?


Guinness - 12/12/06 at 06:52 PM

Lets just have some sport with it first.

I'll ask him about the phone kit and privacy glass.


stevec - 12/12/06 at 07:00 PM

Just asked if I could buy the child seat seperately

zenarcher - 12/12/06 at 07:10 PM

Asked if the child seat came with the car

ch1ll1 - 12/12/06 at 07:26 PM

ive asked

how come your car is red,
but the inside of the o/s/r door is blue?
cheers paul

[Edited on 12/12/06 by ch1ll1]

Peteff - 12/12/06 at 07:27 PM

I've asked if it's been resprayed.

graememk - 12/12/06 at 07:34 PM

i've just asked to buy the car kit from him and will he leave the air freshener in it

stevebubs - 12/12/06 at 08:38 PM


Due to ebay rules stinking, report him before he reports you.

A friend had his photos nicked and emailed the guy asking him to take them down.

The guy then reported my friend for stealing "his" photos. ebay then suspended all my friend's listings but wouldn't do the same for the bastard nicking the photos.

chockymonster - 12/12/06 at 08:43 PM

I wouldn't have nicked your pictures. I mean you couldn't even be bothered to clean it

spunky - 13/12/06 at 01:40 AM

no longer for sale...

I wonder if he sold it or was fed up with being flamed by LCB members...