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Bolting Fury bodywork to chassis
MadMaxx - 17/7/15 at 11:58 AM

Hello to everyone,

I completely stripped down my Fury Spyder and now thinking if it's better to rivet again the bodywork to the chassis or, as alternative and easier way the make future maintenance put some rivnuts in the chassis and then bolt the body to them.

Someone already experienced it?

Pro and cons?

Many thanks for your opinions.


Jenko - 17/7/15 at 01:43 PM

I used rivnuts for bodywork as no doubt it wil come off again and the thought of drilling rivets and hearing them rattling around in the chassis really put me off.

Dopdog - 17/7/15 at 02:08 PM

Just clip it on like the RGB racers do, nice and easy to take off again.

ceebmoj - 17/7/15 at 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Dopdog
Just clip it on like the RGB racers do, nice and easy to take off again.

Do you have any pictures? its a job i'm coming up to doing. I know if i permanently fix anything it will need to come of again in short order.

Dopdog - 17/7/15 at 02:57 PM

Pm me your email and I will send you some but loads on google under rgb fisher fury