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Tintop Bodywork Question
liam.mccaffrey - 9/4/18 at 12:07 PM

I have an 87 Volvo 240 and I want to remove some of the ugly exterior trim. This would leave approx 40 x 4mm holes in the various body panels. Just wanted to get your opinions on the best way to achieve this. I have both mig and tig available to weld them up but I'm significantly more confident with MIG.



Liam Mc

cliftyhanger - 9/4/18 at 12:27 PM

mig is ideal. I am always filling holes with mine, often where a few seconds before there was what looked like good steel

nick205 - 9/4/18 at 01:07 PM

If you're more comfortable with MIG then I'd go with MIG.

From experience welding thin sheet (tin top) takes a bit of getting right to avoid blowing holes in it. There are some good videos on YouTube talking you through the process.

jelly head - 9/4/18 at 05:28 PM

If you can get it behind the panel then a dissimilar flat heat sink will help behind the holes.

nick205 - 11/4/18 at 07:49 AM

Some recommend blowing the weld area with compressed air (if you have it) between each weld to help minimise heat distortion.

Angel Acevedo - 11/4/18 at 03:08 PM

Performing a countersunk lap seam may help reduce blow through...