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Modifying Bodywork
mistergrumpy - 2/6/08 at 04:55 PM

Has anyone modified their Velocity bodywork to make it fit better or just put up with it? I've noticed that the scuttle overhangs the sides of the chassis slightly and the bonnet just doesn't seem long enough on the sides. I think its to do with the curvature of the nose and scuttle. I've applied pressure but I don't want to get too brutal. Any ideas?

locoboy - 2/6/08 at 06:02 PM

If ints any consolation my GTS NOse cone, bonnet and scuttle overhung the chassis edges by anywhere up to 20mm.

Dont wory about it. To overcome it i just stood the side panels off from the chassis enough to match up with the body that sits on top.

bonnet overhang
bonnet overhang

nose overhang
nose overhang

These pictures show the bodywork positioned centrally on the chassis.

I was as flummoxed as you were when i discovered it at first then thought about how to overcome it.

mistergrumpy - 2/6/08 at 06:23 PM

Side panels are already on. I'm a bit peeved really considering their price but no matter. I read on Locostbuilders SA that a couple of them have cut the back off the scuttle then sqeezed it together and rivetted a panel on the back.

locoboy - 2/6/08 at 06:41 PM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy
I read on Locostbuilders SA that a couple of them have cut the back off the scuttle then sqeezed it together and rivetted a panel on the back.

Surely that will alter the profile of the scuttle and it will not correspond with the nose then?

mistergrumpy - 2/6/08 at 08:02 PM

I suppose the top of the scuttle will round/buckle slightly but then the bonnet is kinda squared as well so nothing really flows. I know GTS Panther bonnets on a Locost chassis don't quite fit, when I enquired they told me just to squeeze it together. I presumed when I accepted the bodywork that its not uncommon for all bodywork across the board to be a bit mish mash.

locoboy - 2/6/08 at 08:42 PM

Mine was GTS chassis and GTS bodywork!

Thats why i bought the bodywork from them to be assured of a 'drop it on', 'fit the bodywork in an afternoon' kind of thing......................

saigonij - 3/6/08 at 07:12 AM

mine fits really well.

a bit of trimming on the edge with the schuttle panel, but nothing major...

rusty nuts - 3/6/08 at 06:01 PM

If you think the Velocity panels are a bad fit you should see my Luego locost panels which I'm gradually sorting out. Bonnet (hood for our American members) could do with being an in longer and the n/s has a 3/4" gap along the lower edge , my other half has been known to get seasick on smaller ripples than the scuttle has. The later Luego panels I've seen are a vast improvement on the earlier ones

mistergrumpy - 3/6/08 at 06:31 PM

Sounds like your bonnet is similar to mine then in that it could do with being longer on one side and the finish on the edges is a bit shady with some of the gel coat none existent. Mind though the service was fantastic in the older days.

Steve Lovelock - 3/6/08 at 08:30 PM

My bodywork fits well enough. The scuttle had an over hang of a few mm either side but nothing you'd notice. It's a kit car after all. In fact I don't recall seeing other Luegos at shows and thinking that there bodywork is shoddy. Perhaps I had a later car?

richard thomas - 4/6/08 at 10:48 AM

Mine was exactly the same - took it up with Luego and they advised running a bit of tadpole bead between the scuttle and the chassis to make it less noticeable!! Which I did. Wasn't overjoyed about having to do it, but there you go....doesn't look too bad in all honesty.

mistergrumpy - 4/6/08 at 06:00 PM

Don't get me wrong. There are some really nice Luegos out there so I presumed that people had tweeked their bodywork a bit. After all as said it is a kit which I can accept may need a little fettling.

Dave Bailey - 11/6/08 at 09:52 PM

Well I have the same problem.. To overcome the bonnet being too short and the scuttle overhanging I cut the Bose cone uprights so that I could move the nose back about 15 - 20mm. This means I can move the scuttle back a bit to the wider part of the chassis a few mm. The bonnet is now too long so I can sand this down also to get a better fit. Not finished yet but doesn't look too bad so far.

Dave B