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Rubber nut covers & edging
Mark H - 31/3/03 at 04:53 PM

Does anyone know of a retailer of the above, to cover all the sharp edges/bolts?

Better still, anyone know of someone who does an SVA pass kit cheaply?



CairB - 31/3/03 at 06:07 PM

I obtained black plastic domed nut covers up to M12 from a local engineering suppliers - Brabbin & Rudd at Bolton, and got ones for M14 & M18 from Westfield.
I think that do assorted packs of nut covers.

For edging strip try Lolocost, Woolies, Merlin Motorsports etc.

Mark H - 1/4/03 at 09:33 AM

David Jenkins - 1/4/03 at 09:37 AM

I bought a pack from Tifosi - you get a big bag's worth for your money!

I haven't used them yet - that's one of the last jobs - but they look to be decent quality.


RobBrown - 1/4/03 at 12:15 PM

I also got mine from Tifosi. There is a good assortment of sizes, but found that there were just too few covers for the size of nuts that needed covering.
I found I needed additional covers for sizes M14 and M18 (to cover the nuts on bolt sizes M8 and M10)
