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Nissan Micra brake master cylinder pipes
nobrakes - 5/6/16 at 09:15 PM

Simple question (I hope) - there are 4 brake pipes from the master cylinder, does anyone know which one goes to which wheel? Its from a 1998-2000 model and I can't find any info on the internet which surprised me.

Dick Axtell - 6/6/16 at 04:32 PM

As ever with smaller cars, like the Micra and the Fiesta, the brakes are connected in an X-split arrangement.

Left front connected to right rear, right front connected to left rear. Which necessitates the 4 ports you see on the master cylinder, keeping the two circuits hydraulically separate.

nobrakes - 6/6/16 at 07:11 PM

Thanks Dick, exactly the info I needed.