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Diff Chopping!
Chaz - 23/8/04 at 08:48 PM

Any ideas?? Can this rear sierra diff be rescued? It was an attempt to gash (or tash) a 7.5inch to a 7inch. Is this a write off? Rescued attachment diff3a.jpg
Rescued attachment diff3a.jpg

JoelP - 23/8/04 at 09:16 PM

weld it up and see! surely must be salvageable. easy to make oil tight, just depends on if the loads bust it.

mangogrooveworkshop - 23/8/04 at 09:19 PM

A good ali welder can sort that.

Surely its easier to mod the steel chassis to fit

Hellfire - 23/8/04 at 09:51 PM

All of the above

We all learn by our mistake's... bet you don't take as much off again

James - 23/8/04 at 11:26 PM

Viper welds up ally tanks to order- he might be able to do it for you... for a price.

That is assuming the welding won't warp the casing.

To be honest for that sort of effort you could get a new diff! And it can be a 7" one this time round!



Liam - 23/8/04 at 11:36 PM


Is it an lsd? (the only reason to consider using a 7.5 diff imo). Why not grab hold of a cheap 7" of your choice of ratio and shove your lsd centre in that?

If the 7.5" isn't an lsd just scrap it and get a 7" - a 7.5" non-lsd aint worth having any money spent on it at all.


[Edited on 23/8/04 by Liam]

Chaz - 24/8/04 at 06:23 PM

Hey awesome, thanks for the help. Sounds like the majority go with weldage. I wanted to salvage it cos it has been reconditioned, with new bearings an all. Costing about £80.

Thanks for the massive help, i'll have a look at welding then....

locoboy - 24/8/04 at 07:00 PM

wont the welding be a bit close to the bearings etc and possibly cause damage?

Cita - 24/8/04 at 07:38 PM

If the pressure is not to big i think it can be repaired with one of those epoxy metal repair kits.Will be a lot cheaper than welding and you can do it yourself.

Viper - 24/8/04 at 09:06 PM

Years ago i raced gearbox karts, one meeting the clutch basket let go and smashed the casing, the casing was alli and it had a bloody great hole in it, as a temporary measure ( and to get me out again) i araldited it back together and filled the hole, the casing never leaked and stayed that way for two seasons till i sold the kart, never had a problem with it.

JB - 25/8/04 at 12:09 PM

I would use one of the instant epoxy metal repair products.

Welding will be difficult unless the diff is stripped and cleaned. All the oil on the inside will play havoc with the weld.
