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master cylinder reservoir
jeeby_man - 13/2/06 at 05:40 PM

Hi all
i was planning on using a mk2 escort brake master cylinder without the servo. i've stripped it down and cleaned it up ready to go on my pedal box. the problem is the way i am going to mount the pedal box, the cylinder would sit horizontal, however the reservoir is designed to go on a cylinder that is mounted at an angle.
does anyone know if i can get a new reservoir that will suit the cylinder mounted horizontal

NS Dev - 13/2/06 at 11:32 PM

I know someone that will make you a very nice one in stainless steel! (not too cheap tho)

907 - 14/2/06 at 12:14 AM

Is it anything like this?

Cortina with cap from a later Escort

I got it from Past Parts in Bury St Edmunds.
I think they have a web site.

Paul G Rescued attachment mc-001s.jpg
Rescued attachment mc-001s.jpg

jeeby_man - 14/2/06 at 05:31 PM

thanks for the input guys.
the pics of the reservoir is the one i need.
i'll have a look to see if i can find a site for past parts.
just out of interest NS Dev how much would a custom made stainless one be

NS Dev - 15/2/06 at 01:33 AM

Not a plug for me I hasten to add, it's my mate's speciality!:

a couple of examples of his work.

You'd have to call him for a price but you are looking at between £50 and £100 in ball park figures depending on how complex it would need to be, obviously it would include a level sensor etc.


Tel: 0116 2249509 (between 6pm and 9pm please) and all weekend.