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Handbrake Spring thing!!
Bob da builder - 15/4/02 at 12:26 PM

Can any body help!!!!!

Im missing the semi-ciurclar spring that is located on the hand brake mechanisim in the drum on the Mk2 Escort axle...Dose any body have one???? PLEASE,PLEASE!! have tried my local escort rally prep centre and the say that they are like rocking horse S^%t and my hand brake dosent work without it!!

cheers Rob

theconrodkid - 16/4/02 at 07:30 PM

Bob is that the peice goes onto a small pimple holds the tension on the ratchet bits,difficult to describe but i have a box of bits fram a capri mk 1 axle,if i can find them any chance of a drawing?

Bob da builder - 17/4/02 at 08:13 AM

That sounds something like what im after, i will try and get a photo at the weekend and down load it on monday, Is it ok to down load photos onto the forum?? if not i can email you, if you dont want you email on the forum that text me on 07776071698 with you address..
Cheers mate, sounds as if i may owe you a pint!!

theconrodkid - 17/4/02 at 06:59 PM

Yo Bob sorry mate cant find them,but seeing the state of my garage you would see why,found mk 1 escort bits manual adjuster if thats any good or try mk3 escort auto adjusters you could probably make something work.get back to me if you want mk1 bits.

David Jenkins - 18/4/02 at 07:23 AM

Is this the 'omega' shaped leaf spring?

When I did my brakes I lost one of these and made up a replacement using a small but strong coil spring - there is room. It was about 8 - 10 turns with a loop at each end, and was quite hard to stretch. It seemed to work, although I don't think I needed to make it quite so strong (the original isn't that strong).

In the end I found the original spring...

Bob da builder - 18/4/02 at 07:29 AM

Sounds like a gud plan untill i can get hold of an original!

Cheers lads
