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Seats Wanted Again!
Fandango - 15/7/15 at 02:54 PM

Hi all.

I recently bought another pair of seats for my Locost, but alas, like the last pair, they do not fit.

So I need another pair, prefer fibreglass (lightweight), no more than 44cm wide at the base (but close to this as possible, due to my brother being fat)!, and must have slots for 4 point harnesses.

Condition whatever, as for track only car.

Please send pics / dimensions to


ianhurley20 - 15/7/15 at 04:13 PM

I recently found a cheap way of getting a seat for my locost. I bought a set of rear seats from a Mk 2 Renault Scenic. I used the outer two and removed the tracks and tilting gear and simply bolted them to the floor of the car. The set I bought cost £10 and work rather well - ok not as much sideways support as you probably want but they fit and are perfect for fat people as it gives 44cm width (got to be a better way to say that)

Fandango - 15/7/15 at 04:23 PM

That is interesting.

Will look into it, I can also install side supports, which are not part of the seats, simply by attaching pads to the propshaft tunnel, and on the inside of the outer skin.


Relph - 15/7/15 at 08:04 PM

Hi, I've got some green MNR fibreglass seats for sale.
One seat is 44cm and the other one has been trimmed down to 42cm. £100
Pics are in my archive.

Fandango - 15/7/15 at 08:18 PM

Cool, am interested in these, just to confirm the dimensions you gave are the outside width across the base?

Would you anticipate any problems fitting a quite normal size guy in them, I reckon my bro is 13 stones?


Relph - 15/7/15 at 08:51 PM

Hi, 44cm is the total width of the seat including the lip on the edge.
I've took quite afew people of around that size out in my car and no one's ever complained of being uncomfortable.
There quite a generous and comfortable seat.

Fandango - 15/7/15 at 08:59 PM

You can`t quite perceive it in the pictures, has the trimmed one had the upper edge of the "wings" trimmed, to make it the lesser width?

So you could also do that easily to the other one?

Relph - 15/7/15 at 09:46 PM

Hi, yes the wings have been trimmed and the other one could easily be trimmed to match.

Fandango - 15/7/15 at 09:51 PM


I will pop around to my garage tomorrow, and do a precise measurement.

Could you please pm me a contact number, and give me your postcode?


Relph - 15/7/15 at 10:01 PM
