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Interview tomorrow... Gulp!
James - 11/4/11 at 08:10 PM

After redundancy and being unemployed for too long (have had various bits of temporary work but nothing conrete) I have an interview tomorrow afternoon.

Kinda crapping myself I have to admit... been a long time since I had an interview! Feels distinctly like going to big Savate kickboxing tournaments! Actually feel slightly sick!

Doing my research on the company now, had my hair cut, bought a new tie and will get round to ironing a shirt soon!

Just thought I'd say!


[Edited on 11/4/11 by James]

daniel mason - 11/4/11 at 08:13 PM

good luck!

scootz - 11/4/11 at 08:21 PM

Good luck!

AndyW - 11/4/11 at 08:24 PM

Good luck, remember to interview them as much as they interview you. And dont just repeat statistics from their web site. I used to sit in on interviews and there was nothing more off putting than candidate after candidate telling me how many people we employed world wide and how many countries we operated in.

Look into the company, research the product, research their competitors. And above all dont worry. Come across positive and respectful and all will be good.

kitcar007kev - 11/4/11 at 08:28 PM

Good Luck

nick205 - 11/4/11 at 08:30 PM

Best of luck James, let us know how you go on.

austin man - 11/4/11 at 08:35 PM

all the best

David Jenkins - 11/4/11 at 08:39 PM

Good luck!

MikeR - 11/4/11 at 08:39 PM

I know how your feeling - remember this, they want to hire someone!!!!! If you've got the skills closest to what they want then they'll hire you.

Remember to smile and be happy. Good luck.

Steve Lovelock - 11/4/11 at 09:09 PM

Good luck, your post is heart warming; I really hope you like the look of the job and then get it.

I have been in on some interviews recently and would recommend knowing:

Why you want the job
Why you're suitable

As said early, smile and be happy.

Also, if asked a question you do not have an answer for immediately then do not worry if you have to think for a while.

The very best of luck to you

McLannahan - 11/4/11 at 09:25 PM

Good luck James - fingers crossed!

chrisxr2 - 11/4/11 at 09:40 PM

Good luck let us all know how you get on.

iank - 11/4/11 at 09:45 PM

Good luck, getting an interview is well over half the battle - they are looking for reasons why you'd be the best candidate rather than if you could do the job.
Get there on time 20mins early is good 5 minutes late and you've probably already lost the job. Find the place on google/streetview.

blakep82 - 11/4/11 at 09:47 PM

picture them all naked

just don't stand up with the horn if the bird doing the interview is hot lol

or if its a bloke!

[Edited on 12/4/11 by blakep82]

Jasper - 12/4/11 at 01:56 PM

Good luck mate - maybe you'll finally have the £££ to put your 7 back on the road???

Ivan - 12/4/11 at 02:12 PM

Sounds like you are making all the right moves - neatness does count plus a bit of preparitory work on the company and how you can bring them value. So good luck.

Steve Hignett - 12/4/11 at 02:26 PM

Have some answers about yourself prepared in advance, not just about the company.

Examples of good service, and examples of when you let someone down (and what you did to rectify that)
Examples of your strengths and your weaknesses.
Examples of your personal life which prove why you need gainful employment and examples to prove why you'll never be late etc.

Prob a load more things, but you get the idea...

James - 12/4/11 at 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Jasper
Good luck mate - maybe you'll finally have the £££ to put your 7 back on the road???

That and keeping R happy with paying my share of the mortgage and buying some food are the main reasons I want a job!

Thanks everyone.

Pretty much ready... just researching their website a bit more now.


[Edited on 12/4/11 by James]

Jasper - 12/4/11 at 03:27 PM

So how did it go?

Fozzie - 12/4/11 at 04:19 PM

Fingers crossed for you James

Humbug - 12/4/11 at 04:34 PM

Good luck, James... and if the interview doesn't go well, you can kick the sh!t out of them Savate-stylee

James - 12/4/11 at 08:04 PM

Hmmm, well it seemed to go quite well.

Was actually early which is pretty rare for me. Sat in the car and went through my CV for 15mins.

Lovely roads around so hopefully can go in the Locost if I get the job!

All seemed pretty positive, but the money really isnt that great. However, beggars cant be choosers so will just get as much out of them as I can and be patient.

Anyway time for a Toad in the hole and a cider to celebrate!



Peteff - 12/4/11 at 10:43 PM

Originally posted by James
been a long time since I had an interview! Feels distinctly like going to big Savate kickboxing tournaments! Actually feel slightly sick!

Just thought I'd say!


Just don't kick anybody, right

Good luck James.

blakep82 - 12/4/11 at 10:49 PM

hope it turns out well!

i'm going to apply to be a grave digger lol £16800 it is! but seasonal somehow. so only for the summer. thought most old people died in the winter? surely there's more work there...
nah its also ground maintainance, constructional labouring, cleaning, planting, etc, so will be pretty varied i guess.

Steve Lovelock - 14/4/11 at 08:59 AM

Did you get the job? your last post left me confused.