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IVA Fail :(
theduck - 7/5/15 at 05:08 PM

Cut and paste from my build thread on another site so apologies if some of it doesnt make complete sense and that it is a day late.

So, today started at the ungodly hour of 5am with going to collect the transporter I had hired for the day. It turned out that this was a wise move, and not just because of the rain! Was back home by 6:15am and met Steve (Thrashed) there, got the car on and covered, tools, spares, paperwork and laptop with build photos on all loaded up and we were on our way by just before 7am. It was the most nerve wracking drive of my life, a combination of nerves about the test, and having my pride and joy on the back, however we arrived at Kidderminster VOSA with no issues at 7:30am. We set about removing the cover and noticed an ominous puddle under the car which turned out to be petrol. Still not sure where it is leaking from but prime suspect is the sender as I have known a similar tank leak from here.

We then met Keith who was to be the tester for the day and is someone I have only heard good things about, I would echo every good word I have ever heard and add more praise. He is a genuinely top bloke who is fair and understanding and takes time to explain things and generally top banter! I would highly recommend anyone that can test at Kidderminster does so. We got the car unloaded and I drove it over to the test area and Keith then spent some time looking around the car and in the engine bay and pointed out a couple things he would like to see changed and advised if there weren’t any more serious issues anything like these he would give us chance to fix at the end of the test so the I could leave with a pass.

Next it was on to the brake test, something I was concerned about because Richyb66 and me had spent quite a bit of time trying to get a shorter pull on the handbrake and we hadn’t managed it. It worked, but there was very little reserve. So, tested the fronts, everything good, tested the rears and Keith was concerned that maybe they were too good, but it was borderline and he wouldn’t be certain until he put the figures in the computer at the end. Then the handbrake, and it passed. He did comment about there not being much reserve, but was happy.

Moved on to the rollers to test the speedo and this is where the big problem of the day arose. The speedo was under reading by 2mph at 35mph, but that is an easy fix thanks to the digi dash, I just need to change a setting and that will be fine. The big issue was that he couldn’t get the car to drive in 3rd or 4th gears. He tried it a couple of times and then we noticed that as he changed gears the offside wheel was almost stopping, we checked the other side and it was fine. So he stopped, we checked the wheel was moving freely, it was, so tried again. This time though as the nearside wheel span up the offside wheel barely moved so we had to give up on that test and it looks like a new diff or a refurb of this one is required.

Then the car was weighed, and came in at a laden weight of 730kg with an almost perfect 50:50 front:rear weight distribution. Happy with that!

Keith then drove the car round to the mirror test area and it just didn’t have quite enough visibility. It could be fixed by raising the nearside mirror mount but a pair of larger mirrors will more comfortably get it through the retest. I joked about borrowing the one of the transporter and I think he would have been happy if I could have done it!

While we were outside it was time for the noise test, and one I thought would fail. Holding the revs at 4000rpm and it came in at 100db. Keith then asked me to drive the car around the site and do a brake test so he could check for the nose dipping (I think, I just heard drive and round the centre and then brake there). When I got back he asked me to park it up again so he could try the noise again, but at a 3750rpm instead. This actually made it worse at 103db! So failed on noise, but shouldn’t be too difficult to resolve as it was only 1db out at 4000rpm.

Then moved back inside to get the car over the pit to have a look underneath. This is when we found that there was leaking joint on the one of the rear brake hoses. Again an easy fix, just surprising it passed the brake test like this! He also wasn’t happy with the lower harness mountings and wants to see some further bracing of that area. We agreed that if the inside of the panel was braced using angle iron and connected to the outer panel and transmission tunnel that this would be sufficient.

Just as Keith was about to go and type up the paperwork, he remembered he wanted to double check the radius on my savage horn switch, and it failed! Important note, if you don’t have a windscreen, savage switches will fail unless they are flush mounted! Again, a simple enough fix but a surprising result.

So Keith went to type up the paperwork and run the brake results through the computer, and good news, they passed! Keith commented to us what a great morning it was and how much he had enjoyed it because we had interacted with him and had some banter and also said what a lovely car it was which was great to hear.

So, the summary of things to fix are:

Noise – Tested at 100db at 4000rpm, needs to be 99db
Fuel tank leaking – Possibly around sender? Investigation required. Also need to turn fog light bolts around so they cannot contact tank.
Side mirrors – Near side needs to be relocated or bigger mirrors used.
Handbrake cable – Bit too close to drive shafts, and need securing away.
Brake fluid leak - Offside rear hose needs checking and reassembling.
Exterior projections – Rear edge of speedo, horn button, and edge of GRP from rear wing.
Speedo – under reading by 2mph at 35mph – unable to test at higher speeds or recalibrate due to diff issue.
Seat belt lower anchorage – Area needs bracing
General construction – Couple of areas of wiring I hadn’t covered need doing and the alternator wire needs a cable tie to hold it further away from the steering column.

So, I have my fix list, and will be getting on with some of the simpler jobs shortly! Few photos from today below



coozer - 7/5/15 at 05:20 PM

Can tell your a bit dissapointed but chin up fella, easy list of fixes apart from the diff!

I'm surprised it drove at all with only one wheel connected, sounds very strange indeed. Keen to see what it looks like when you take it apart, keep us posted on that one.

Good luck with the retest, should be easy to get it through now.


theduck - 7/5/15 at 05:48 PM

It drove pretty badly, but as I hadnt ever done anything more than 1st gear and reverse I hadnt noticed.

I am pretty happy with the list tbh just need to get on and sort the issues, most of which are easy.

gremlin1234 - 7/5/15 at 06:09 PM

looking at the exhaust, it should pass if you just pointed the tail pipe down rather than sideways. - but probably best to also quieten it in other ways for the retest

edit, well done!

[Edited on 7/5/15 by gremlin1234]

907 - 7/5/15 at 06:19 PM

I don't know if I should say hard luck or well done ?

If you feel like I did then it's a feeling of relief.
It somehow seems easier once you have a failure list.

Paul G

Dingz - 7/5/15 at 07:53 PM

Well done! but could your diff problem just be the brake binding badly on that side?

theduck - 7/5/15 at 10:11 PM

I'm happy with a well done, as I never went expecting to pass first time and I think its an easy fix list, just need to identify where the petrol leak on the tank is coming from.

Originally posted by Dingz
Well done! but could your diff problem just be the brake binding badly on that side?

With the car on the rollers we were able to spin the wheel freely both by hand and by nudging the roller with our feet, the latter particularly put very little effort in to get the wheel to move and so we pretty much ruled out it being the brake binding.

The Black Flash - 7/5/15 at 10:18 PM

Bit of a weird one on the (presumed) diff problem, the rest don't sound too bad at all though

theduck - 7/5/15 at 10:25 PM

I'm thinking about this again now. On the rollers the nearside wheel span up fine, the offside didnt. Which would lead to you thinking first of all that the brake was binding that side, which we tested and showed it wasnt, and so then assumed diff. But could it be something else? Maybe a wheel bearing allowing one side to move more easily than the other?

EDIT - I have started a new thread "Lack of power to one wheel" with more details on this issue

[Edited on 7/5/15 by theduck]

andyace - 8/5/15 at 08:42 AM

Looking good, it looks a lot different to when I last saw it.

I look forward to seeing it drive round Northfield. Maybe I could sneak a passenger trip in it .... may encourage me to get on with mine !!!!!

theduck - 8/5/15 at 09:00 AM

I'll give you a shout when have registration Andy.

sg_frost - 20/5/15 at 07:48 AM

I had similar issues with my speedo test, but I believe there is a flaw in their testing method. The rollers on each side should be connected together as any car with an open diff will spin one wheel faster than the other, the only way to prevent this is to have a LSD. My tester simply drove my car around the car park with his sat-nav and said it was close enough.

theduck - 20/5/15 at 08:35 AM

There was definitely a problem as it was noticeable when driving.