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Axle toe in/out???
Locost82 - 7/7/06 at 07:08 AM

Hi All

I'm straightening my rear axle (Escort) and was wondering whether it should be totally straight, or whether there is supposed to be any toe in/out built into it.

It's currently 1.6 deg toe OUT.


nitram38 - 7/7/06 at 07:18 AM

I would have thought that there was an element of toe in rather than toe out, but I could be wrong.
Toe in is created because under power, wheels will toe out naturally. Toe in is put in to neutralise the effect.
I used to race hillman imps and we took the toe in out for an experiment on the rears.
I found in corners the car was a bit better, but the lack of grip on the straights made the car jittery and needed constant steering input.

procomp - 7/7/06 at 07:45 AM

Hi almost all axles after having the new brackets for a 4 link put on end up with toe out. The hard bit is getting the toe in whithout ending up with the axle in an S shape it needs to be done slowly a bit at a time and remember that while moving one side towards toe in you are moving both sides but not at the same rate so keep mesuring what is happening . 1.25 mm overall is the max you whant togo as any further and the planet gears in the diff will have a verry short life. We do this to almost every kit we sell and it is never easy or quick but with a well setup backend it works a treat . Once you have the toe sorted try a bit of camber but no more than 0.2-0.3 as again it affects the planet gears life.

cheers matt

MikeRJ - 7/7/06 at 07:49 AM

I'll show my ignorance by asking how you actualy adjust the toe and camber, do you gently bend the axle in a press etc. or apply strategicly placed beads of weld to pull it into the correct shape? Or something else entirely?

procomp - 7/7/06 at 08:00 AM

Hi heating to cherry red with large nozel gas torch is one way but these days most just run a line of mig round the casing in the right place . But the right place will need expirience to get it right straight away. as said it is verry easy to end up with the perfect settings but an S shaped axle that is only fit for the bin i still scrap a casing every now and then when i try to do it to quick and the bl**dy thing moves a large amount in one go . So slowly and presice is the way to go.

cheers matt

Confused but excited. - 7/7/06 at 12:14 PM

Just as I think I'm getting the hang of this, someone puts a post up that scares me again.
To eliminate this distortion caused by welding the brackets onto the axle casing, can you just continue to run the weld all the way around the casing at the point you attach the brackets, or do you have to do something entirely different?

Locost82 - 7/7/06 at 12:21 PM

Thanks for the replies.

I've tried to straighten it further but it's very very springy and doesn't want to get any straighter. I'm going to fit it with as it is.

I don't know what the toe in/out was before the crash either, so it's not like I'm chasing some ideal. I have been told that a little toe out is not all bad, but could increase oversteer.

Thanks again.

procomp - 7/7/06 at 01:31 PM

Hi mr locost 82 when the car is back together get an alignment check to see if that 1.6deg is mainly just on one side after your accident if it is it will cause the planet gear to wear out verry quickly and could scrap the whole diff. Are you a 750 racer hense the 82 if so see me at lyden and i can show you how to straighten it if it's possible.

cheers matt

procomp - 7/7/06 at 01:38 PM

Hi mr c/b/e yes continuing the weld allround the casing will help elimenate most of the toe out caused by wellding the brackets on but it all depends on what you had to start with. But for road use unless it's drasticly toe out i wouldnt worry to much just watch the corners in the wet as it may provoke oversteer as said above. All tho you may be lucky and have one with a touch of toe in .

cheeers matt

Confused but excited. - 7/7/06 at 01:48 PM

" in the wet"? Not bloody likely.

Thanks for the reasurance Matt.
I shall measure it before and after, keeping everything crossed.
Greatly appreciated.

[Edited on 7/7/06 by Confused but excited.]