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GSXR Injector Flow Rate
ChrisLeary - 17/11/14 at 09:32 AM

Morning all,

I'm hoping the collective can help.

Fingers crossed I'll have the car running by the end of next week. But I've never know the actual flow rate of the GXSR injectors that came with the throttle bodies.

A picture is attached below, for some reason I can't upload pictures into my archive on here. The only numbers on the injectors are the ones shown.

The TB's are from a K4 GSXR, I think 600 but cannot be sure.

Thanks in advance,


BaileyPerformance - 17/11/14 at 10:58 AM

Hi Chris,

Thay are about 200cc, what i normally do (assuming your running megasquirt) is to get the idle AFR around 13 with sensible numbers in the VE table (in the idle area) of say 30. Then tweak the req_fuel number to get your target of 13AFR.

The actual flow rate of the injectors is not critical, as long as they are big enough to supply the engine. What you looking for is around 20-30 in the VE table at idle, maybe 80 at full load after mapping.

If you end up with a very low number at idle, then you req_fuel is too high, a high number and your req_fuel is too low.

Can we offer to map it for you?

£250 for a full day (we look at all aspects of the tune, including the above.

Cheers Dale.

ChrisLeary - 17/11/14 at 11:02 AM

Hi Dale,

I'm hoping to book it in with you, but I'm hoping to get it through the MOT and drive it down to you. I've just purchased a wideband lambda for it, so that will help.

I am indeed running MS, but all of the tuning stuff is new to me!



BaileyPerformance - 17/11/14 at 12:22 PM

Hi Chris,

OK great!

Best thing to do is assume the injectors are 200cc, than tune the idle and part throttle yourself for 13-14AFR then your safe to drive it.

When you are here we will check everything anyway and then tune on the dyno.

Cheers Dale.