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Friday question madness at work and its only 9:15!
Mr Whippy - 29/2/08 at 09:18 AM

The boss is driving everyone up the wall already with the old generation’s thing and how mathematically one person can have so many relatives for example he did this calculation on my machine. You'll see that he's claiming that you'd need 4,294,967,296 relatives in just 1000 years do any of you know a mathematical way out this? I know it's all down to sharing the same relatives but maths was not my strong point

1 1980 1
2 1950 2
3 1920 4.00
4 1890 8.00
5 1860 16.00
6 1830 32.00
7 1800 64.00
8 1770 128.00
9 1740 256.00
10 1710 512.00
11 1680 1,024.00
12 1650 2,048.00
13 1620 4,096.00
14 1590 8,192.00
15 1560 16,384.00
16 1530 32,768.00
17 1500 65,536.00
18 1470 131,072.00
19 1440 262,144.00
20 1410 524,288.00
21 1380 1,048,576.00
22 1350 2,097,152.00
23 1320 4,194,304.00
24 1290 8,388,608.00
25 1260 16,777,216.00
26 1230 33,554,432.00
27 1200 67,108,864.00
28 1170 134,217,728.00
29 1140 268,435,456.00
30 1110 536,870,912.00
31 1080 1,073,741,824.00
32 1050 2,147,483,648.00
33 1020 4,294,967,296.00
34 990 8,589,934,592.00
35 960 17,179,869,184.00

02GF74 - 29/2/08 at 09:23 AM

what exactly is he calculating? looks like the nuber is doubled every 30 years -which represents what?

if you struggle with a reason, a head butt usually works.

Mr Whippy - 29/2/08 at 09:34 AM

Well he's assuming that no one is related in his calc and therefore the number just gets bigger and bigger, which off course is totally dumb. He's Italian and there is a slight language problem in explaining just how daft his logic is. Unfortunately a head butt might affect my pay rise.

smart51 - 29/2/08 at 09:41 AM

You'd need relatives? Only if you want lots of Christmas presents.

I have 2 parents, who in turn had 2 each. They also had 2 each. Go back long enough and you have 1,000,000 antecendant. take 20 years as the average time between generations (pre 1950) and work it out.

2000 = year a child was born
1980 = 2 parents
1960 = 4 grandparents
1940 = 8 great grand parents
1920 16
1900 32
1880 64
1860 128
1840 256
1820 512
1800 1024
1780 2048
1760 4096
1740 8196
1720 16,000
1700 32,000
1680 64,000
1660 125,000
1640 250,000
1620 500,000
1600 1,000,000
1580 2,000,000
1560 4,000,000
1540 8,000,000
1520 16,000,000
1500 32,000,000

in the year 1500, there were 4,000,000 pepple living in the British Isles and you are related to 32,000,000 of them. One of the conclusions you can draw from that is that you're related to everyone.

02GF74 - 29/2/08 at 09:46 AM

Originally posted by smart51
in the year 1500, there were 4,000,000 pepple living in the British Isles and you are related to 32,000,000 of them. One of the conclusions you can draw from that is that you're related to everyone.

but since we are all descended from Adam and Eve then we are all related.

bonzoronnie - 29/2/08 at 09:53 AM

I had planed on doing some thinking today.

After reading this thread.

My brain is now FUBAR for the day.

Mr Whippy - 29/2/08 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by smart51
in the year 1500, there were 4,000,000 pepple living in the British Isles and you are related to 32,000,000 of them. One of the conclusions you can draw from that is that you're related to everyone.

but since we are all descended from Adam and Eve then we are all related.

Well avoiding the hot potato name issue, it still stands to reason that one species like ourselves have to come originally from a tiny number of people, possibly even just two. That aside it's obvious that the mathematics is nonsense for the number to increase like that but how do you express that, mathematically?

It would be nice to say to my boss that I did no work at all today as I was pondering this problem but that might not go down to well.

iank - 29/2/08 at 10:23 AM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by smart51
in the year 1500, there were 4,000,000 pepple living in the British Isles and you are related to 32,000,000 of them. One of the conclusions you can draw from that is that you're related to everyone.

but since we are all descended from Adam and Eve then we are all related.

For amusement and Jehovah witness baiting confirm with a true believer that Adam and Eve were the original humans and everyone is descended from them. Then point out that means their children must have slept with one another and therefore their whole faith, and indeed they, are a product of incest.

smart51 - 29/2/08 at 10:37 AM

Originally posted by iank
Adam and Eve were the original humans and everyone is descended from them. Then point out that means their children must have slept with one another and therefore their whole faith, and indeed they, are a product of incest.

If you are a "litteralist". Adam, translated into English, means mankind. "He" may not have been an individual person.

The story of noah is more interesting. Noah, his wife, thier children and their spouses were the only people left after the flood. Definatly a bit of first cousin marriage going on after that.

bob - 29/2/08 at 10:40 AM

Bloodline relatives or adopted relatives

Now that throws a cat amongst the pigeons

Mother married 3 times father married twice, 1st step father married 3 times, 2nd step father married twice.

And i'm not from east anglia, sorry scutter

DIY Si - 29/2/08 at 11:03 AM

Bob, you sure you're not from Norfolk?!

speedyxjs - 29/2/08 at 11:04 AM

Originally posted by smart51
in the year 1500, there were 4,000,000 pepple living in the British Isles and you are related to 32,000,000 of them. One of the conclusions you can draw from that is that you're related to everyone.

How can you be related to 32,000,000 people if there are only 4,000,000 people in the British Isles?
Surely 28,000,000 people couldn't have hated this place so much they emmigrated?

smart51 - 29/2/08 at 11:40 AM

Originally posted by speedyxjs
Originally posted by smart51
in the year 1500, there were 4,000,000 pepple living in the British Isles and you are related to 32,000,000 of them.

How can you be related to 32,000,000 people if there are only 4,000,000 people in the British Isles?

I believe the law calls it incest.

Although only if you marry a close relative. Just because your complete family tree could spread out to 32 million people, it doens't mean that they were all different people. If you marry your 2nd cousin; quite legal in this country; then 2 of your great grand parents are also 2 of your wife's great grand parents. Your children's familily tree has 2 fewer names on it than it could have. Add several generations of distantly related intermarriage and your 32 million names reduces down quite a lot.

bartonp - 29/2/08 at 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Well he's assuming that no one is related in his calc and therefore the number just gets bigger and bigger, which off course is totally dumb. He's Text and there is a slight language problem in explaining just how daft his logic is. Unfortunately a head butt might affect my pay rise.

Ah. GE - Imagining work.

Confused but excited. - 29/2/08 at 04:21 PM

Hands up if you own a banjo.

marcyboy - 1/3/08 at 08:15 AM

or webbed feet!!

zilspeed - 1/3/08 at 08:21 AM

DNA research has revelead that we all originate from 7 distinct threads or 7 women if you like. I believe the scientists call the women the 7 eves.

So, we're all related.

Hardly a surprise, is it ?

scotty g - 1/3/08 at 10:03 AM

the black community has known this for a long time, thats why they call each other "bro". We are all brothers and sisters, now lets all hug!