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More corruption, Fuel price now...
r1_pete - 17/7/12 at 09:41 AM

When will it end, Fuel Rip Off??

loggyboy - 17/7/12 at 09:50 AM

I wouldnt be suprised, in fact, id be more suprised if there isnt several other things that come out about bank fixing in the next 6 months. God knows what but I cant beleive its just one or 2 things theyve been messing with.

MakeEverything - 17/7/12 at 09:58 AM

Its been happening for years. The oil companies have been manipulating the oil prices to suit their profits, and the traders have more control than we like to give credit for. A 'Slip' of the tongue with a 1p or 2p difference has massive impacts in profit and turnover for all of them.

Davegtst - 17/7/12 at 10:02 AM

It's ok though as they will just get a small fine which will be paid to the government for them to waste. All the time the paying public will still have to pay huge prices and get nothing back for their troubles. This whole country is corrupt but no one wants to admit it so it gets swept under the carpet as usual.

jabbahutt - 17/7/12 at 11:14 AM

Makes you laugh/cry that we keep sticking our noses in to other countries business because of corruption etc and suprise all along we're as bad as everyone else. At least Somali pirates don't try to hide the fact that they're stealing

Agriv8 - 17/7/12 at 11:28 AM

Why should you find this suprising ? the oil companies are there to make a profit if regulation is not tight enough (or they can 'LOBBY' politicians or even sponser their Election campaigns ) to stop the manipulating the market they will do it.

Private industries care about shareholders and directors pay not us the customers they just want to extract as much cash out of us as possible.

For instance Procter and Gamble has any body else taken note of how many olimpic adds end with Proctor and gamble logo at the end. I am sure as eggs is eggs they will be manipulating the Suppermarkets and other outlets to ensure they are making HUGE profits and stiffling competition. The Agriv8 houshold is not brand mad ( will happily use own Brand ) but it has struck me that out of the brands we do buy many trace back to Proctor and Gamble for example Gellete, Pampers, Duracell, washing Powder I bet each one of us will be Paying £100's to there profits every year.

In my view these companies and the big Supermarket and banks have more controll in this country than the gouvernment.

Rant over Agriv8

MakeEverything - 17/7/12 at 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Agriv8

For instance Procter and Gamble has any body else taken note of how many olimpic adds end with Proctor and gamble logo at the end. I am sure as eggs is eggs they will be manipulating the Suppermarkets and other outlets to ensure they are making HUGE profits and stiffling competition. The Agriv8 houshold is not brand mad ( will happily use own Brand ) but it has struck me that out of the brands we do buy many trace back to Proctor and Gamble for example Gellete, Pampers, Duracell, washing Powder I bet each one of us will be Paying £100's to there profits every year.

Actually, P&G will have paid a lot of money for the privilege to have their marketing exploit the 2012 games.

See Here

LOCOG have the brand so tightly nailed down, they even removed the machine labels from plant rooms in the venues, as they had the manufacturers name on them. Now, no-one knows the size, capacity, current or volume of anything which defies H&S legislation about labels and signs. But again, they get away with breaking legislation on a daily basis.

Dont get me started....

RK - 17/7/12 at 12:24 PM

Get this: we in Canada, PAY the (mostly Texan) companies to take the oil out of the tar sands in Alberta, through huge tax breaks. Do they clean up after themselves? Of course not, WE do, if at all. It is beyond a joke for the normal people in the world.

Peteff - 17/7/12 at 12:25 PM

The gubbin mint don't care how high fuel prices go because they get a bigger percentage than anyone else. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of them are in on it lining their pockets as they were with their expenses. In the end they are all in it for their own benefit, they don't really care about the man in the street he is just there to make them more money.

RK - 17/7/12 at 12:49 PM

I agree, and even if you toss the present idiots (they are everywhere), the replacements are no better at all.

I am more and more convinced, we need honest reporting from the news agencies, newspapers etc to continually ask embarrassing questions. The thieves don't like too much light on their activities.

It is the only way, as far as I can see. You lot have to get rid of Murdoch for that to even be dreamt of, from my viewpoint. You can thank Mrs. Thatcher for that one.

Chippy - 17/7/12 at 03:39 PM


the market is unregulated and relies on the honesty of the firms to submit accurate data about all their trades.

Well that say's it all for me, just a load of scrotes, much like our wonderful government. Just read an artical that they could be, (next year), doing away with the free bus passes, free TV licence, and winter fuel allowance for the elderly, Hmmmmmmm! Cheers Ray

MikeRJ - 17/7/12 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Agriv8
Why should you find this suprising ? the oil companies are there to make a profit if regulation is not tight enough (or they can 'LOBBY' politicians or even sponser their Election campaigns ) to stop the manipulating the market they will do it.

I think you have missed the point. This is not about oil companies maximizing their profits (which you would certainly expect them to do), but rather about the banks manipulating the entire economy for their own interests. The same banks that like to use phrases like "under-report" instead of "lie".

Agriv8 - 17/7/12 at 05:13 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by Agriv8
Why should you find this suprising ? the oil companies are there to make a profit if regulation is not tight enough (or they can 'LOBBY' politicians or even sponser their Election campaigns ) to stop the manipulating the market they will do it.

I think you have missed the point. This is not about oil companies maximizing their profits (which you would certainly expect them to do), but rather about the banks manipulating the entire economy for their own interests. The same banks that like to use phrases like "under-report" instead of "lie".

Again why should we find that suprising. If they can get away with it 'they will' we seem to assume that banks should have a moral Backbone and that they have our best intrests at heart. Nope trader is on performance related Pay all the way upto the directors on the same. This is driven by greed banks have been bailed out by you and me are back to the 'good old ways'. all big organisiations are driven by Profit not social responsility / Welfare of us

Socialist rant over ( I am not one BTW )

ATB Agriv8