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Blackbird headlight wiring issues
colimp66 - 8/2/21 at 09:55 AM


I'm at the stage with my build that I have had the engine running etc and I am now wiring the car so lights etc will work. I'm mixing it up with the original Hillman Imp switches and the Blackbird wiring loom extended forwards to the dash.
The problem I cant seem to work out is the high/low headlight as unlike a car the Blackbird uses too different bulbs for the high and low in the one headlamp.
As you know a car has two headlamps and I want to use H4 bulbs in each headlamp and both filaments with the high/low option. The Blackbird headlamp relay is still in the loom with no others used, could this be where I am going wrong. At the moment I'm still trying to do it all of the bike switchgear before I transfer the wires to the Imp switches.

Hope that makes sense? I can get the sidelights son and low beam but no high is basically what's happening.

Electrics aren't my strong point so I may need an idiots guide to this.
Any help ideas will be very much appreciated, its driving me nuts


russbost - 8/2/21 at 10:20 AM

I assume the 2 separate bulbs in the Blackbird are single filament units, in which case you'd split the feed to the dip beam & take that to your 2 dips & similarly split the main beam feed into 2 for your mains, should be straightforward. Is it possible you are confusing feed for daytime running lights which would be on all the time? I don't know about the Blackbird but surely a lot of modern bikes there's a permanent feed all the time you're running so the bike always has front light on?

gremlin1234 - 8/2/21 at 04:59 PM

personally, if I were aiming to use the imp lights and its switches, I would not use the bike lighting loom at all. (keep it simple )
the old Lucas wiring works well enough for what you want