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Aero screens for velocity
Rubin - 12/2/07 at 06:07 PM


Into the final stretch so any recommendations for supplier of aero screen to fit standard velocity scuttle. Nothing fancy just black fibreglass will do me............archive links to pics would be great.

Incidentally re chassis numbers the new guys were able to give me a number........they have the log from old Luego


John Bonnett - 12/2/07 at 06:22 PM

I've got a pair of Brooklands aeroscreens if you are interested.


locostv8 - 12/2/07 at 06:57 PM

If he isn't interested I probably would be.

John Bonnett - 12/2/07 at 09:20 PM

If he isn't interested I probably would be.

U2U sent

Rubin - 13/2/07 at 08:43 AM

thanks, not really after Brooklands style...........

richard thomas - 13/2/07 at 09:51 AM

I'll watch this with interest....i bought mine from the previous luego owners...for £70 Just a piece of perspex really, which just happens to direct the wind straight into your eyes! I would recommend getting something that has a vertical lip type affair at the top edge to throw the airflow over your head.

Picture of mine on the left....

Gazza - 13/2/07 at 12:17 PM

I've fitted a Fluke Carbon Fibre aeroscreen. Only been out in the car once since fitting it - seems to be ok and deflects the air well.

Not cheap however!

Pictures in my photo archive.... [not very good quality I'm afraid - but you get the idea!]