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Bike gearbox GSXR
minordelay - 23/2/09 at 04:17 PM

Wondered if anyone on here has any experience of GSXR 600 gearboxes (K1).

I've offered to have a look at a mates bike which sounds like it's trying to jump out of 2nd. Apparently the gearboxes are weak and later boxes are stronger. I'm all geared up to strip it all out and repair, what I need to know is can it be overhauled without special tools or would a secondhand box be easier.

Any tips would be very welcome thanks.

Phil.J - 23/2/09 at 04:22 PM

I've a lot of experience with the older GSXR engines, and I expect the principals are the same. Very simple to work on once the crankcases are opened, look for worn dogs and/or selector forks. There is good spares availability via the dealer network with next day delivery on most items.

charlierevell - 23/2/09 at 06:25 PM

Bit different I know, but I've just rebuilt a 954 Blade box with no previous knowledge and no special tools.
Locking the clutch may need a locking tool tho (I made one) Or a good impact wrench.
Probably find that the 2nd gear mating cogs have gone on the dogs!
Does he wheelie it lots and slam thru the gears?
You'll see a very slight rounding on the dogs if thats the case, doesnt take much to make it jump out as i found!