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aliwizard - 6/1/11 at 10:24 PM

hi can anyone help with spring rates on my velocity bike powered car with a zzr1100 motor, i have 250 pound on the front and 200 on the rear on zero click on the dampers i have very little movement can anyone help, what have other people used cheers

rusty nuts - 7/1/11 at 07:53 PM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
Do a search on here for "crush tubes" it's been covered several times . Your problem is probably the wishbones not moving due to the crush tubes being too short, when the pivot bolt is tightened the wishbone is being clamped inside the wishbone bracket. Easy to check , jack the car up, disconnect the damper and try lifting the suspension .Solution is to 1 get longer crush tubes or 2 skim the outer end of the bushes. Does the suspension squeek? thats a dead give away

PS . Put your location in your profile .