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Cheap bucket seat
Northy - 19/12/04 at 03:54 PM

Cheap bucket seat wanted, I want to make a frame for my Playstation steering wheel and pedals!

scoobyis2cool - 19/12/04 at 04:08 PM


Surrey Dave - 19/12/04 at 04:20 PM

£15.00 cheap enough?

theconrodkid - 19/12/04 at 06:04 PM

i got a covered kart seat looking for a home,could post it i spose

Northy - 19/12/04 at 06:59 PM

Any pics? Cheap?

Marcus - 19/12/04 at 08:50 PM

I used a Recaro from my old Manta before I cut it down for the Locost, was soooo comfortable, spent many a full day playing F1 2002!! (Sad or What)


Metal Hippy - 19/12/04 at 09:03 PM

That and you're a ginger ninja too.

Your life must be awful

theconrodkid - 19/12/04 at 09:17 PM

northy,you can have it for the price of the postage,mail me yr addy and ill send it,weighs about 2 1/2 lb,have to send it after chrismass as i dont get to go near postie,s in the pix as compo has a prob,its a tillet low back

Northy - 19/12/04 at 10:30 PM

Cheers Conrod, it sounds cheap enough at that!

U2U coming now with address.

Cheers again,

Marcus - 20/12/04 at 10:58 PM

Hippy it's a good job you're not in Doncaster, you may get slapped!!
Never mind I'm patient, can wait till Newark!!


Metal Hippy - 20/12/04 at 11:25 PM

I'd just have to resort to calling you a slapper though mate