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Getting the hang of Ally Welding
907 - 17/7/06 at 09:10 PM

My rad expansion pot.

It's not finished yet, but it is the first thing I've ever made (welded) from sheet ally.

I think I'll hide it under the nose cone.

Paul G Rescued attachment water-tank-002s.jpg
Rescued attachment water-tank-002s.jpg

NigeEss - 17/7/06 at 09:36 PM

I think it looks fine

mark chandler - 17/7/06 at 09:39 PM

Looks great to me, I,d cut a hole so people can admire it

Where did you get the filler, its one of my next tasks.

Regards Mark

tim windmill - 17/7/06 at 09:55 PM

are you gonna start knocking oil catch tanks out? looks spot on to me.

tim windmill - 17/7/06 at 09:55 PM

are you gonna start knocking oil catch tanks out? looks spot on to me.

tim windmill - 17/7/06 at 09:56 PM

looked soooooooh good posted twice

907 - 17/7/06 at 10:23 PM

O Mark. Mark, Mark, Mark.

O ye of little faith.

It's a piece of sheet, 152 mm long.

G clamp over an edge of plate, with a plate on top, 3 mm protruding, and knock it down with a nylon mallet.
Remove clamps and knock to 180 deg safe edge.

Same again with 4.5 sticking out.

You end up with a double bend, three thicknesses of material, 5.5 deep.

Roll round a piece of bar or pipe, weld seam, and file out two slots.

Cut tube to length, to fit rad cap, in this case 19 mm, and you have a filler neck.

Scratch building to the extreme me thinks.


Paul G

dl_peabody - 17/7/06 at 11:38 PM

Nice Job...What type of welder are you using? MIG, TIG, Gas?

Do you mind giving out the model mumber?

zetec7 - 18/7/06 at 03:13 AM

If I'd made a piece that nice, I'd put it on display in my living room!! Lovely piece of kit, be proud of it!! Wish I knew how to TIG

DaveFJ - 18/7/06 at 07:55 AM

Good to see your 'practicing' in anticipation of my request for swirl pot

looking good, yet again your hand skills put us mere mortals to shame!

John Bonnett - 18/7/06 at 06:54 PM

Hi Paul

I know in some circles it is considered bad form to ask a cook for a recipe and I hope you will not be offended if I could ask you for a bit more information on how you made the very nice header tank. I am particularly interested in how you rolled the aluminium neck for the radiator cap. A superb piece of work that will really enhance your car.

Best wishes


rusty nuts - 18/7/06 at 07:04 PM

Nice one Paul but you will have to polish it before it gets anywhere near your car . Can I ask how the gas welding is going?

Trev D - 18/7/06 at 09:02 PM

Hi Paul good to see some nice work going on cant wait to see your nose cone. regards Trev.

907 - 18/7/06 at 10:51 PM

Hi All,

Thanks for the replies.

In answer to your questions......

dl-peabody, used a miller dynasty tig welder.

Tim & Dave, What's a catch tank or a swirl pot?
Is it like a keep net or a guzunder?

John, see post 7, back a page.

Rusty, I think an inlet pipe would be handy. I just knew I'd forget something,
and NO, you may not ask about my gas welding.

Trev, the nose is an August job, (and Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, etc, etc)


Paul G

johnjulie - 19/7/06 at 10:11 PM

Come on 907, you know it's a good job.
Just fishing for praise eh?
Nice one!
Cheers John

907 - 20/7/06 at 12:21 AM

Originally posted by johnjulie
Come on 907, you know it's a good job.
Just fishing for praise eh?
Nice one!
Cheers John

It's a shame you think that John.
Not my intention at all.

I bought my ac tig so I could "have a go" at something I'd never done before, i.e. aluminium sheet metal work.

I've put in many hours just getting the hang of what to me is a new skill.
It's far from perfect, had to grind off the first attempt as I failed to clean it properly.
Welding over the top came out a lot better, a lesson learned I think.

I hope a post like this shows that with a will to learn, and a bit of time, a reasonable level of success can be achieved.

When I started my build my level of knowledge was limited to fitting a recon in a tin top, and welding a few patches to pass an MOT.
I build vessels at work, but that's worlds apart from all the aspects of car building.
I thought a roll centre was somewhere you bought sandwiches.

I hope my posts spur people on to have a go at making stuff, not just sign a cheque and wait for the postie, not that there's anything wrong with that anyway.

So go on, have a go. It may not turn out top notch, but you can say....

I made that

Paul G

John Bonnett - 20/7/06 at 07:48 AM

I bought my ac tig so I could "have a go" at something I'd never done before, i.e. aluminium sheet metal work.
Hi Paul

Ignoring the above, it really is a fine piece of work and anyone who can TIG weld aluminium will agree. A T weld (to me anyway) is the hardest weld to achieve. It is so easy to burn through the edge of the vertical.

The maxim I try to apply is, if it is the best that I can do, irrespective of what others can do, it is ok. If it is not my best, then I bite the bullet and remake it. I can then look at the job and know that it was the best I could do. There, thought for the day!!


johnjulie - 25/7/06 at 07:23 AM

Only joking Paul, I've just completed two years of the ABC welding courses, so I know how difficult it is to weld ally. It looks bloody good to me!
When I said 'NICE ONE', I meant it!
Keep up the good work!!!
Cheers John

[Edited on 25/7/06 by johnjulie]

907 - 25/7/06 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by johnjulie
Only joking Paul, I've just completed two years of the ABC welding courses, so I know how difficult it is to weld ally. It looks bloody good to me!
When I said 'NICE ONE', I meant it!
Keep up the good work!!!
Cheers John

[Edited on 25/7/06 by johnjulie]

Look at the welds carefully.

I welded it from 2 o/clock to 12 o/clock, then turned it, 2 to 12 again etc.

The tank is round, but the weld is 50p shape.

Paul G

John Bonnett - 25/7/06 at 06:31 PM

Paul what gauge aluminium did you use?


907 - 25/7/06 at 09:36 PM

It's 16g John.

The ends I "pushed" round a former in the lathe.

It's been mounted now, , on a cross brace just in front of the thermostat housing.
Although it's far from perfect, it will be nice to look back and say, "that was the first bit of ally I made".


Paul G