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The evil ex has gone too far!!!!!
scotty g - 16/5/14 at 06:09 PM

Totally off topic and should probably go in the Madhouse section anyway but here goes.

Just found out that my very crazy ex wife has reported my current girlfriend to Social Services claiming among other things that she is violent and agressive and shouldn't be aloud near children, that she threw her own son down the stairs breaking his arm, that she beats him and her boyfriend (me), that she attends anger management sessions for her problems etc etc.
The rants went on according to Social Sevices!

At this point i will say that this is all utter rubbish, we are actually glad that they investigted as we would rather they look into a false claim than ignore a potentially real claim. Social Services did all their checks and concluded that there is absolutely no case to answer and the matter is dropped, the question i have for you guys is.......... what should i do about this?
We have been told that if we get a solicitor to write to Social Services asking for all the details they have to release all the information including transcripts of interviews and recordings of telephone calls.

Now i could put the audio files on YouTube and link it through facebook tagging all her friends so everyone gets to hear what a mental Bint she is but think maybe i should take the moral high ground?
come on guys, what would you do?

sdh2903 - 16/5/14 at 06:17 PM

Oooft sounds like she's a bit unhinged. I would take the moral high ground at present and rise above it. If anything continues however I would go down the Facebook and YouTube route and let everyone know how ridiculous she's behaving.

r1_pete - 16/5/14 at 06:25 PM

I wouldn't try getting even via social media, that will just end in tears all round.

Just rise above it, gather your evidence if you feel she will go too far, take legal advice, and action.

scotty g - 16/5/14 at 06:27 PM

Oh i forgot to add,
the reason she went so OTT was because she TOLD me that if i wanted to see my daughter again i would have to leave my girlfriend and provide her with written proof that i was living elsewhere!!!!!!!
Obviously i wasn't about to do that, don't respond well to emotional blackmail!!!!!

Nickp - 16/5/14 at 06:28 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
I wouldn't try getting even via social media, that will just end in tears all round.

Just rise above it, gather your evidence if you feel she will go too far, take legal advice, and action.

+1, or kick her in the slug

scotty g - 16/5/14 at 06:29 PM

Hahahaha. PMSL Nick

SALAD - 16/5/14 at 06:35 PM

Nickp, I can't stop laughing at that, brilliant

cliftyhanger - 16/5/14 at 06:37 PM

Agree social media will only inflame things.
You need proper legal advice.

Do you have a note/email or can get one from her re the blackmail? If she is that unhinged she just may do it. Which would be handy.

Kerr205 - 16/5/14 at 06:38 PM

I think you should look on it that she is the poor one. She is obviously hurting alot and seeing you happy is too much.
You're the one with the nice new relationship and you're happy. I'd send an open communication(letter or email that you and your partner are both involved in) stating that you dont want any hassle, wont take this matter further but please do not cause anymore trouble and to leave you alone or you will take it definately to the law.

Not nice at all but you're the lucky one. I'm as aggressive as the next guy for sure but I genuinely feel sorry for her.

Hope this helps.


snapper - 16/5/14 at 06:40 PM

Letter from solicitor saying stop malicious attacks
Threaten court for access
After 13 ½ years and over 250,000 miles picking her up my daughter elected to live with me
Don't loose touch with yours, you will see as time goes by those that lie cheat and do wrong come unstuck as the children realise the truth

Irony - 16/5/14 at 06:43 PM

Put nothing on social media that can be attributed to you. It can be used against you in a court of law. Take the moral high ground, do nothing to anger her. The law is not set up to be on the side of fathers in any way. The courts 9/10 side with the mothers. If you have access to your daughter then that is enough of a win!

Irony - 16/5/14 at 06:45 PM

Originally posted by snapper
After 13 ½ years and over 250,000 miles picking her up my daughter elected to live with me
Don't loose touch with yours, you will see as time goes by those that lie cheat and do wrong come unstuck as the children realise the truth

Agree with above. Its a sad day when your ex hates you more than they love their children. Nearly always kids find out the truth

scotty g - 16/5/14 at 06:49 PM

agree that rising above it is probably the best way to go although i am tempted to just kick her in the SLUG!!! hahaha.

ironically she is the one thats moved on and remarried, she just hates to see me happy..
Like you said, sad really!!!!!!!

olimarler - 16/5/14 at 07:12 PM

Mate I'm going through it all too! Very similar to you. I will dM u my number if u need advice

D Beddows - 16/5/14 at 08:21 PM

I've got a couple of friends in similar situations, one who hasn't seen his kids for over a year now The way it tends to go is that you will be accused of rape next - then some form of mental or physical abuse of your kids. Go nowhere near any kind of social media with it all but keep records and recordings of everything. If you already have audio of her being 'mental' you're on the right track but keep those to yourself until absolutely needed, hard as that may be

Smoking Frog - 16/5/14 at 10:11 PM

Gather what evidence you can, one day you may need it (hopefully not). Be careful of her using your daughter as a weapon. Disgruntled ex'es try to get the kids on their side and against you. Some can be so devious! Try to get her to focus on what's best for your daughter (she needs a dad). Keep a level head and don't be tempted to do something silly. Hope it works out. Been there

Andi - 16/5/14 at 10:50 PM

No dont do the social media stuff. She is the mother of your child and in which case in English law she has all the power (or so it always seems)
She does not need to have any extra live rounds to use against you.
It`s a real uncomfortable place to be after such an outburst. But just move on.
Got the t shirt, as I am sure many others on here have.


[Edited on 16/5/14 by Andi]

ali f27 - 17/5/14 at 05:14 AM

Take moral high ground without a doubt and gather all information you can if you end up in court one day it will prove handy been there with a good mate and won because of it
ON another note if it wasnt for the slug you wouldnt bother with them

whitestu - 17/5/14 at 08:15 AM

You need to do whatever is best for your daughter, not you or your ex. That way when she is a bit older she will realise who really cares about her.

wilkingj - 17/5/14 at 08:58 AM

+1.... Do NOT put it on Facebook or anything to do with the Internet, it will go massively wrong, and you could end up being prosecuted.
Just dont go there. You dont need the legal fallout, let alone the mental anguish of having to deal with it.

Keep in touch with your kids, and take good legal advice.
Keep notes of all contact (in both directions) even if its just in a notebook, with dates, times, and what was said / sent etc.
Its all ammunition should things get worse.