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Pictures of a black/silver locost?
C10CoryM - 18/1/06 at 03:31 AM

Hey guys, I am planning a locost and I think I would like to paint it black except for the side panels and leave them either brushed, or polished aluminum.
I havent seen one yet but I am sure someone has a picture of one??

RichardK - 18/1/06 at 07:54 AM

Like this one, don't know who's it is, so I hope they don't mind

[Edited on 18/1/06 by RichardK]

johnemms - 18/1/06 at 08:48 AM

Did you place the indicators infront of the wishbone nuts deliberatly for sva purposes ? Also did it help at the sva



ned - 18/1/06 at 09:46 AM

looks like billy's car to me.


billy - 18/1/06 at 07:39 PM

scutter - 18/1/06 at 08:19 PM

Or this one,


Cheers Marcus

ATB Dan.

C10CoryM - 19/1/06 at 03:22 AM

Thanks guys. Exactly what I was looking for. Black/silver with silver accents is the scheme for me. Nice looking car btw Billy.

Marcus - 19/1/06 at 08:19 PM

Cheers Dan, but I hate that photo - out of focus and green!!
Here's another:

car in France
car in France


eddymcclements - 20/1/06 at 02:08 PM

Mine. Ally bonnet too, which isn't quite what you had in mind. Might put some louvres in it when I get a "round tuit".

Apologies for the village idiot in the driver's seat - he must have jumped in while I was taking the photo.