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Locost hard tops?
colintvr - 17/1/07 at 05:05 PM

I have some pics on my computer, sample attached, from a Richard Barker, of a detatchable hard top for Lotus Seven shaped cars. Obviously it was for a particular model and I'm not sure which, but I wondered if anyone had any experience of them and where they are now.
The sample looked infinetly better than the usual weather protection used. Thanks Colin. Rescued attachment FrontThreeQuarter.jpg
Rescued attachment FrontThreeQuarter.jpg

Marcus - 17/1/07 at 05:15 PM

Don't know who makes them, but that one's on a Caterham. I'm sure you could knock one up out of ally sheet - might even try that next winter!

colintvr - 17/1/07 at 05:17 PM

Well someone should!!!

RazMan - 17/1/07 at 05:20 PM

Doors are the worst things to try and make - believe me. I eventually got mine to seal properly but it cost me a lot of my hair in the process

Surrey Dave - 17/1/07 at 05:21 PM

Looks good , but I need a much larger monitor!! Rescued attachment FrontThreeQuarter.jpg
Rescued attachment FrontThreeQuarter.jpg

vinny1275 - 17/1/07 at 05:24 PM

Aren't MNR working on a hard top for the VortX? Not sure if it'll be removable or more like the donkevoort coupe-thing.

mcerd1 - 17/1/07 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Surrey Dave
Looks good , but I need a much larger monitor!!

Like what, about 40".....

I've got a 22" and still only get half of it

cloudy - 17/1/07 at 05:27 PM

Nothing to do with monitor size, but the resolution you are running at


Surrey Dave - 17/1/07 at 05:53 PM

I jesteth it was only my sarcastic way of saying that 1st picture was MUCH too large!

Avoneer - 17/1/07 at 07:32 PM

My addition:

Avoneer - 17/1/07 at 07:33 PM

And another:

balidey - 17/1/07 at 07:40 PM

I love the Westfield yellow one above. Suits it really well.

the_fbi - 17/1/07 at 07:48 PM

I believe Westfield are going to do one again, sure I read that somewhere recently....

whitestu - 17/1/07 at 08:03 PM

I think I'd rather get wet!

quadra - 17/1/07 at 11:46 PM

Agreed! No disrespect but they do look like small sheds. The donkervoort one is much more stylish imo.


Bluemoon - 18/1/07 at 08:40 AM

I quite like this one:


[Edited on 18/1/07 by Bluemoon]

[Edited on 18/1/07 by Bluemoon]

Bluemoon - 18/1/07 at 12:23 PM

robocog, intreasting idea of removing the windscreen with the hardtop.

Only porblem I can see is the demister and winscreen wippers/washers. I guess you could go for a heated windscreen, but you will still have the wippers/washers bitts left on the car...


Marcus - 18/1/07 at 12:30 PM

Prob. a bit extreme, but you could make the scuttle removeable too and have a spare with an aeroscreen attached. 4 bolts and my scuttle is off, so shouldn't be too hard.

jlparsons - 20/1/07 at 05:45 PM

I'd like to do one after finishing my build. Would make the car far more usable. I'll design in a couple of bits and peices to make it easier from the offset, but I think it's such a big project that it needs doing seperately or I'll never get the car on the road.

I like the look of the Donkervort, I would want a rounded modern look to it or you're driving a shed as someone rightly said. That's why I'm thinking about curved windscreen too, see "mojo windscreen" post.

ayoungman - 22/1/07 at 09:43 PM

The series 1 and series 2 landrovers had the wiper motor mounted directly to the windscreen . The motors were self contained and operated the wiper blade. You could do the same thing but on the top edge of the screen. The motor units are very small and designed to operate 12 inch blades.

brycheiniog - 23/1/07 at 12:58 AM

I had a hardtop on my Fury when I bought it. I never tried driving with it on as it was really tight headroom wise. Here is a pic:
