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I'm a dad!
twybrow - 19/12/12 at 12:03 AM

Woo! My wife gave birth to our first today, Lily Grace Wybrow, at bang on 4kg (8lb 13oz)! She takes after her old man, and is very tall! So proud of both of them right now! Now to think how I can strap a car seat into the 7....

Right I need sleep!

maccmike - 19/12/12 at 12:08 AM

many congrats!!

Benzine - 19/12/12 at 12:09 AM


trialsman - 19/12/12 at 12:10 AM

Sleep peacefully now my friend because you have many sleepless nights ahead. Been there done that twice!!!! Congrats, Russ

BenB - 19/12/12 at 12:11 AM

Congratulations mate. My misses dropped a sprog four weeks (and two days) ago. Hope your one sleeps more than ours does. Surviving on 2 hours sleep per day at the moment. Still wouldn't miss a minute of it- she's watching me write this as I speak (or type)....

Wheels244 - 19/12/12 at 12:23 AM

Congratulations mate - welcome to the best club in the world - fatherhood.

Andybarbet - 19/12/12 at 12:35 AM

Congrats - we have a 7 month old & he is worth every sleepless night - we also have a 13 year old & an 8 year old, all boys, i think its amazing & as hard as it can get at times juggling work etc theres nothing like coming home to small people :-) enjoy !

unijacko67 - 19/12/12 at 12:52 AM

Well done. Head wetting update needed. All the best Andrew.

Daddylonglegs - 19/12/12 at 01:18 AM

Wheels244 said it all chap

Congrats to both of you and enjoy it, great feeling ain't it?


RichardK - 19/12/12 at 01:52 AM

Congrats mate, now to wet the babies head!



t11 - 19/12/12 at 06:44 AM

congrats....well done hpoe mum and baby are doing well, been there my 2 boys are now 35 & 34 its a long hard road but well worth it....

cliftyhanger - 19/12/12 at 06:58 AM

Best thing that ever happened to me is my 2 daughters (15 and 17)
Yep, a few ups and downs along the way, but they are just delightful people to be with (mostly, but they are teenagers!)

Well done, and enjoy the journey

welderman - 19/12/12 at 08:10 AM

Congrats. I'm waiting for my third. :0. That's after a ten year break

TimC - 19/12/12 at 08:19 AM


YQUSTA - 19/12/12 at 08:40 AM

Congrats mate hope all went well and you are all doing well.

dhutch - 19/12/12 at 10:21 AM

Scary stuff! Congratulations all.

jon200 - 19/12/12 at 10:43 AM

Congratulations, were due our second on Boxing Day. It's suck an amazing thing, a true miracle! Well done :-)

MikeR - 19/12/12 at 10:52 AM

my second turned up 16 months after my first. it can be hard work and your relationship with your misses will be tough due to lack of sleep but its fantastic. two things, nappys aren't that bad and bottle feeding gives you remote control rights

wilkingj - 19/12/12 at 10:59 AM

Congrats.... Make the wife sleep at any time of the day even if only for 30 mins... Every little helps. She will need it!

All stages of bringing up kids are problematic... Just the problems change as they grow up.
Mine are 23 and 25. I wouldnt swap them for anything.

You just got the Best Xmas pressy ever!!

richardh - 19/12/12 at 11:50 AM

^^ almost the same as wot he said ^^
Mine is 6 now and he makes my day every day!

bi22le - 19/12/12 at 12:55 PM

My wife is due end of May 2013. Its a scary time but we are both really excited.

Congrats. I want to be in the dad club too!!

robinj66 - 19/12/12 at 01:39 PM

Congrats and Enjoy.

Welcome to the biggest rollercoaster ride of your life

ChrisL - 19/12/12 at 01:40 PM

Congrat's best thing ever (yes even better than a 7!), just could do without all of the grandparent c-rap

russbost - 19/12/12 at 01:58 PM

Congratulations - I can assure you life will never be quite the same again!

scudderfish - 19/12/12 at 02:27 PM

You might have to wait a few years, but they can be useful

She's nine now and absolutely marvellous. Having said that, a couple of days after she was born my Mum said to me "You'll realise why sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture"

AllWeatherDan - 19/12/12 at 04:50 PM

Congrats to you and the wife.

I have 3 girls

Ages - 10,5,3

Best thing in the world.

Well done.

nick205 - 19/12/12 at 04:53 PM


Hope you all have a fantastic Xmas and get some sleep

mads - 19/12/12 at 06:06 PM

Congrats Tim! Fantastic Christmas present for you both.

vanepico - 19/12/12 at 06:15 PM

Congrats mate!

I can't wait haha

From all the funny things my mum has told me I and my brothers have said, it must make up for all the sleepless nights!

When we got my younger brother home I apparently said "He's very nice but I wanted a black one" xD I also suggested they call him jesus!

When I see them tearing around the supermarkets picking random things up and saying silly things I can't help but laugh!

[Edited on 19/12/12 by vanepico]

Proby - 19/12/12 at 06:40 PM

Congratulations Tim, to your & your wife. I've got a 5 & 6 year old (19 months between them) and it's the greatest thing in the world! Hard work, and your life will never be the same, but rewarding. You get used to the sleep deprivation, eventually!

jps - 19/12/12 at 06:42 PM

Congratulations. I have my first one on the way (due to arrive early June) and I can't begin to get my head round how much it'll change mine and my wifes lives. Good to see that so many guys on here have so many good things to say about it all. And that you can still build a car when you have kids :-D

woodster - 19/12/12 at 08:50 PM

Congratulations ..... I've got 2 daughters , 14 and 12 I know strange names a bit of advice I was given when I became a Dad was to do as much as i could be a proper hands on Dad it helps form a bond if you're in there changing nappies, bathing and feeding , I like to think that's why I have such a good friendship with my girls... I'm not ashamed to tell you I still get a tear in my eye when I watch videos of the kids as babies ....... Enjoy

Simon - 19/12/12 at 09:04 PM

Congrats to you all



scootz - 19/12/12 at 09:07 PM

twybrow - 19/12/12 at 10:52 PM

Thanks for all the kind words. I am loving it - I did the first nappy change today and enjoyed it (I expect that to change!). I can't do much to help feeding at the moment, and that is tough as it puts a lot of pressure on the mrs - all I can do is be supportive, and fetch Lily/moppers/drinks etc... I also don't like sitting at home, whilst I know the mrs is right now in hospital, trying to get her to settle/feed/sleep.

I can't wait to have my girls how for Christmas. Then we can whet the head with the home made cider we made earlier in the year - we have been saving it for when she was born!

olimarler - 19/12/12 at 11:10 PM

Congrats it's a great feeling! I have a two year old.
No matter how bad your day is you get back and that little grin makes it so so so much better!!!!

found a book that you might like today?

You will be saying it at 3 in the morning!!

Nsfw but its on amazon so not that bad!

Click below

Go the f**k to sleep

mds167 - 20/12/12 at 08:14 AM

Best of health to you and yours!
What a Christmas present! How will you ever repay Mrs W?

ChrisL - 20/12/12 at 08:36 AM

Originally posted by twybrow
Thanks for all the kind words. I am loving it - I did the first nappy change today and enjoyed it (I expect that to change!). I can't do much to help feeding at the moment, and that is tough as it puts a lot of pressure on the mrs - all I can do is be supportive, and fetch Lily/moppers/drinks etc... I also don't like sitting at home, whilst I know the mrs is right now in hospital, trying to get her to settle/feed/sleep.

I can't wait to have my girls how for Christmas. Then we can whet the head with the home made cider we made earlier in the year - we have been saving it for when she was born!

Get em home as quick as you can, I had to have a 'discussion' with the consultant who agreed I was right and discharged the wife and boy instead of keeping them in for another course on antibiotics, for 5 days!!

Try to get into a routine as fast as poss' plenty of books out there and when you're drinking the cider remember that one of you is going to be up at OMG o'clock which will probably mean you both will! I think that when breast feeding, mum can't drink too much (shame)...

Obviously all my opinions and I'm sure you'll plough your own furrow

mackei23b - 20/12/12 at 09:20 AM

Congratulations, have a great Christmas with the family!

