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Tiger seal or sikaflex
chris_smith - 2/3/17 at 07:06 PM

As per the title really! What's best to use for body parts, side panels etc and what's the difference in the numbers for sikaflex 221, 521, etc

jacko - 2/3/17 at 07:33 PM

Both are pu glue sealers sikaflex is better in my mind but more expensive
having said that we use tiger sealer at work for gluing alloy panels on buses and never had a problem

122 is the one to use if you go for sikaflex

Banana - 2/3/17 at 08:23 PM

When i was building a camper van, most of the people of the forum swore by Sikaflex.

Saying that, i've just bought Tigerseal for job on the Indy...

Both are no doubt up to the job.

ste - 3/3/17 at 06:13 AM

Ive used sikaflex and also toolstation's PU adgesive, which is a lot cheaper

sdh2903 - 3/3/17 at 08:38 AM

Either will be fine. Both stick like s**t to a blanket. Both get on your fingers and won't come off

With regards the sikaflex I'm sure it's the black 221 I've always used. Tiger seal on the current build.

rash12 - 3/3/17 at 04:41 PM

anyone tried ct1 ?

bonzoronnie - 3/3/17 at 05:16 PM

Originally posted by rash12
anyone tried ct1 ?

I can testify to the holding power of ct1

Stuck a 1.6mm thick piece of stainless steel on my boat transom.

Needed to fit another plate to suit a different outboard engine & had the worst job of my life trying to break the bond.
Took a wrecking bar & lump hammer to do the job, literally had to peel the plate away like trying to undo a tin of corned beef.
Even some of the gel coat let go before the ct1 let go.

I guess all of the PU adhesives give a very strong bond.

ralphy - 3/3/17 at 09:52 PM

Originally posted by sdh2903
Either will be fine. Both stick like s**t to a blanket. Both get on your fingers and won't come off

With regards the sikaflex I'm sure it's the black 221 I've always used. Tiger seal on the current build.

Regarding the stickability of Sikaflex...

On the morning of a wedding that we were guests at I decided to sneak in a quick hour on my Westy rebuild before getting ready to go, so I loose-fitted a couple of panels and then went indoors. Suitably booted & suited we left the house and the last thing I did was to pick up the Sikaflex gun & put it away, but I hadn't seen a big splurge of the stuff on the tube. By the time I realised it was all over my hand we were off in the car and it was only when I shifted my hand off the steering wheel that I saw it.

At the wedding there was no amount of soap & water that'd get it off, SWMBO was fuming with me and it was several days later before I got my hand clean again.


jps - 18/8/17 at 12:54 PM

Thread resurrection I know, but helpful to keep the info together I thought...

How many tubes of PU am I likely to need for a complete build of a 7? I am expecting to bond the tunnel, floor, bulkheads and body panels...