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Fire photos - may disturb some - especially coffee drinkers
jos - 21/7/06 at 08:23 AM

Some photos of factory following the fire.

Be warned soem of you may be distressed when looking at these - especially those who like mocco chocolatattes whateverthehellyoucallthem espressos

View from outside


View inside


And worst of all, one of the beloved coffee machines

Coffee macine
Coffee macine

To make matters worse, Mark says he thinks theres still 20p credit in it, and he's gasping for a cuppa. !!!

[Edited on 21/7/06 by jos]

splitrivet - 21/7/06 at 08:36 AM

Reminds me of the time a mate of mine who had two wooden legs house caught fire,the fire brigade saved the house but he was burnt to the ground, to add insult to injury that afternoon the bobbies had him for arsing about.

shortie - 21/7/06 at 09:20 AM

The fire is one thing but not the coffee machine!!!!!

I assume that's the first thing the insurance will be asked to pay out on and don't forget to tell them it still had 20p in it.


muzchap - 21/7/06 at 09:35 AM

Dam :-(

There's a spare Luego unit in Peterborough!

Looks like a nightmare - top work to the lads in getting stuff out - any ETA's on when the insurance company will sort?

The plus side a nice new shiny MAC#1 and a NEW COFFEE machine (maybe free-vend???)

fesycresy - 21/7/06 at 10:14 AM

I bet as soon as they get a new machine Mark will take the Cappuccino sticker off again.

Perhaps they should retire the machine and employ a nice nubile blonde to make the tea ?

Only a suggestion

DarrenW - 21/7/06 at 10:56 AM

OMG Those pics have just sent a cold shiver down my spine. As you can imagine whilst that was happening the Police weer keeping everyone out of the way. Later i took some pics of the factory next door still ablaze. I havent got the heart to post them. 4 hours after it started the Plastics factory was still out of control. We criticised the Fire brigade at the time for not saving Mac#1 but in hindsight i honestly dont believe there was anything they could have done. The dry weather and wind coupled with how dangerous the building was (ie they couldnt get inside) just meant it wasnt to be.

I wonder if my shades were OK. I left them on the counter after taking the Zetec ZR out for a spin!!!!

Ref the coffee machine - that was the new machine. RIP. We were so desperate to save the stock we didnt have time to get the James May suite out!!!

donut - 21/7/06 at 11:40 AM

What Darren said!!

pewe - 21/7/06 at 11:51 AM

Fire Brigade wouldn't risk going in if there was even the chance of gas cylinders about.
Insurance company should be able to make an interim payment to get you re-started providing premiums etc. were all up-to-date. Based on experience view any loss adjusters who offer their services with scepticism!
Cheers, Pewe.

coozer - 25/7/06 at 08:22 PM

Called in today and was amazed at the state the place was in!

Also the Plastic Directs are up and running again across the corner already.

How have they managed that guys? Did they beat you to an empty unit?


mac1 - 26/7/06 at 08:31 AM

Just a quick update:-

We're just waiting for the Landlord to complete the temporary unit, it needs a roller shutter door and power installing, works should be complete by the middle of next week, the representative (Gary) from Close Brothers Bank, who own the buildings, has been an absolute star.

Our neighbours Direct Plastics are in borrowed office space, they are trading, but like us they still have a mountain to climb.

The Umberella factory were trading the next day after the fire.

Insurance companies, solicitors, investigators, loss adjusters are all doing their jobs albeit a little slower than we would expect.

The burnt out factory will be bulldozed and rebuilt to house MAC#1 and Direct Plastics, but I'm expecting 6-9 months to sort buildings out, at least we'll have a brand new building to move into eventually.

Thanks again for all the messages of support.

Mark Hinchcliffe

ps I'll be reducing some sets of wheels and tyres.We need to gain some space in the new unit. Street Octanes/ Team Dynamics 1.2's, Zetas, DTC leightweights,
13" Compomotive CXR's. There will be a few other bits and pieces, mainly damaged packaging, but all at good prices.