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More DVLA woes
loggyboy - 3/9/10 at 09:45 PM

Just sold the wifes tintop so been hunting for the MoT that i know it has untill Dec (bought through dealer and I recal seeing the cert). Couldnt find it in amongst the paperwork, so thought it easiest to get a replacement cert from my local MoTstation. Worryingly when typing in the reg and the v5 No, it didnt come up on the system.
After about 10-15 phone calls to DVLA and VOSA it transpires that when we put her personal plate when buying the car, the DVLA didnt do their paperwork properly, so her registration comes up on VOSA/MOT system as being the her old clio, but the v5 has been correctly amended, the VOSA/MoT system also still shows her car being under its previous registration. I now have to take a morning off work to go to the local DVLA office to sort their mess out! I paid them £80 to type a few digits and reprint a few bits of paper work, and they cant even get that right.


fha772 - 3/9/10 at 09:56 PM

Welcome to the ever increasing group of:
"DVLA lalalala we're not listening and don't care anyway"
(expect a fine in the post, for a car you sold 10 years ago too!!)

StevieB - 3/9/10 at 09:57 PM

They really, truely are the most useless bunch of s**ts north of the English Channel.

fha772 - 3/9/10 at 09:59 PM

I can remember, when i was little, my dad swapping his private plate from 1 car to another.
It took a matter of hours, now with all the new high tech streamlining of the DVLA's systems, it takes a week!!!
There's progress for you!!

loggyboy - 10/9/10 at 09:52 PM

Went to the nearerst local office to my work today (Brentford) (not the theale one who made the mistake).
Was corrected in 10 minutes and given a new, correct MoT Cert there and then.
So they can get it right when they want to.

Ninehigh - 11/9/10 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by StevieB
They really, truely are the most useless bunch of s**ts north of the English Channel.

Oh I dunno, you see having worked for several bunches of useless s**ts I'm having major problems getting them to confirm that I worked there, so I rang the tax office for records proving where I've been working for the past 5 years.

Apparently the past five years means 2005... So now I'm going to have to go back for the other 4 and explain that I'm still waiting for all this so I can get a job...