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VW Tintop CV Joint Probs - Help Please!
Russell - 21/9/10 at 11:32 PM

Our 2002 VW Polo vibrates under acceleration. The vibration can be felt in the floor and an extensive trawl of the web suggests the problem is almost certainly one of the inner CV joints but I can't determine which one and I'd like to have a clue before I commence an attack on the problem. The consensus on the web seems to be that vibrations felt in the passenger side floor indicate a worn inner joint on the driver's side and vice versa (but don't ask me why that should be so). Me and Mrs R disagree on which side the vibration is worst.

I've checked myself (or had checked by specialists) the other usual suspects like oval or otherwise distorted tyres, wheel balance, loose wheel nuts, engine mounts, wishbone and suspension bushes etc. etc. I have had the driveshaft run out checked too and this didn't show up anything.

I think the best clue is I've noticed that as we accelerate round a big roundabout near home the vibrations reduce significantly so would anyone like to suggest which of the inner driveshaft joints has a reduced load when we chuck the car into a right-hander. I would have thought the offside one?

TGR-ECOSSE - 21/9/10 at 11:55 PM

Have you checked for play in the lower rear wishbone bushes ? They are a common fault in polos and some other VAG cars. My first job in the morning is a 2002 Polo needing the wishbone bushes replaced I've done loads of them so might have to delegate i think )

britishtrident - 22/9/10 at 07:03 AM

Very unlikely to be CV joint --- suspension bush more likely.

Andy D - 22/9/10 at 08:34 AM

I've seen a couple of cars lately with loose undertrays rattling wildly underneath.. similar symptoms maybe?

Duncan Mould - 22/9/10 at 11:56 AM

I know it sounds daft, but is it one of those 3 cylinder engines 1200cc ?
Often at low revs they transmit resonance that can be felt
(especially when sitting in the passenger seat) which may feel like a wobble and can be very pronounced. Have you had the car long ? Has it always done this or only recently ?
I sat in my Brother in laws when he first had his from new and thought there was something seriously wrong with it.

Russell - 22/9/10 at 10:39 PM

We've had the car since 2004 so we know it well. The vibration is fairly recent. The bushes etc. have been checked out and are fine (some have been replaced fairly recently).
I'll persist in my quest....