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Author: Subject: German cars
David Jenkins

posted on 20/4/22 at 02:28 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by SJ
"glass dropped in driver's door" - our Golf GTi did that with regularity!

It's when you go to the VW dealership to get a repair kit and, instead of having to wait a few days (as you would with anything else) they just walk to a shelf in the back room and bring it back within 30 seconds! Gives a clue...

And I wasn't impressed with its performance - the engine gave loads of power but the car was way too lardy. My current car, a Kia eNiro, would outrun it in 'normal mode', let alone 'sport mode'. And that's a car that's a gnat's whatsit short of 2 tonnes (but it is electric, so massive torque at low revs).

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