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So what have you
jacko - 17/2/24 at 07:48 PM

Done today in your life my daughter and my self had a morning taking the dog for a walk and play on the local park
Then sat in a queue for 1.5 hours going into town to pick a painting up from a framers


Simon - 17/2/24 at 08:54 PM

Went to a customers to cut grass, do a bit of weeding and deadheading; took dog (10 today) to Teston Country park then walked down the Medway to Wateringbury for tea, cake and Chicken Tikka Pastie at the Horsebox Cafe. Then home, kip of settee, dinner then timewasting on internet

Slimy38 - 17/2/24 at 09:56 PM

I plumbed in my cars cooling system, air intake and got started with the spaghetti that is the electrical system!! Tomorrow will be separating out the front part so lighting and engine looms can go their right way.

I'm getting really existed now though, there's been times on the build where I feel I've not made progress but literally every hour I put in there now I can see the end getting closer.

nick205 - 18/2/24 at 03:45 PM


First up in my house (as usual)
Ground and breewed some coffee
Emptied dishwasher
Bowl of porridge + honey + banana
Walked and fed the dog
SWMBO arose
Went out and met friends for another coffee
Remind our twins (again) it's back to school tomorrow (and 2nd week of GCSE mocks)
SWMBO returns to supermarket with our daughter for some VITAL back to school items
Me on to PC to check out interior windo sill timber options (for a SWMBO project)
Me reply to this thread....

MikeR - 18/2/24 at 10:00 PM

Saturday - walked the dog, daughter to football, lunch, walked the dog, complete the caterham service, walked the dog, dinner, watched TV with the misses, ordered phone holder and ECU diagnostics cable for the caterham.
Sunday - walked the dog, got delivery from amazon, disassembled kids climbing frame, swing, slide, lunch, saw the MiL (whilst looking at the bright sunshine thinking i could be out in the car figuring out the next jobs that need doing), walked the dog, dinner, caught up with friends.

J666AYP - 18/2/24 at 10:13 PM

Started making the sacrificial body tub for the locost project, then remembered how much I hate bodywork.

Slater - 19/2/24 at 12:39 PM

Saturday - Did my local Parkrun with my wife and 550 others (free 5km organised timed run starting at 9am all in most towns across UK and many other countries too), got a coffee afterwards, visited my Mum, got home & finished "decorating" our understairs cupboard, then packed bag and got on a plane headed for Nigeria in the evening......

Mr Whippy - 19/2/24 at 01:27 PM

very average weekend for me -

Sat –

Walked dog, took eldest kid to gymnastics, took dog and youngest to beach, took them both to lunch at the café, got home, build some lego with the kids, cooked dinner, took the youngest to her school disco, worked on the computer and the 3D printers, picked up the youngest and then put the kids to bed, wife came home, worked on model ship, realised how late it was, walked the dog, went to bed..

Sun –

Walked the dog, washed the cars, took the kids to the hobby shop, bought airfix tank for the youngest and model paint for me, got screen protector for the eldest ones phone, took them to Mackies ice cream for an unhealthy lunch, took the kids out to the other beach with their sledges for the dunes, came home, cooked dinner, played with Blender on the computer, put the kids to bed, walked the dog, worked on the printers, walked the dog, went to bed, work in the morning…