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no claims bonus
nick-york - 8/1/14 at 09:11 PM

Hi ! Im just thinking ahead to spring when hopefully i ll be trying to insure the locost . Right a few years ago i had two insurance policies for two different vehicles with direct line .One for my van i use for work and this policy is still running now.The second policy was for my car which was running for about 6 years during which time i got the maximum ncd of 5 years so the insurance was at the lowest possible.Now 3 years ago i stopped the policy because i bought the part built locost project i have now and sold the car. Now the question is - will i be able to transfer the ncd to a new policy with a new insurer ? Or am i been too optamistic ? Cheers.

Wheels244 - 8/1/14 at 09:18 PM

A lot of the specialist insurers don't take NCB into account for kit cars Nick

Might be different if you intend to use it as your daily driver.


Ben_Copeland - 8/1/14 at 09:19 PM

2 things ...

NCB only lasts 2 years usually if you don't insure a car, you loose it and most Kitcar insurances don't carry any NCB's anyway. Oh course there maybe exceptions that some people have got away with

[Edited on 8/1/14 by Ben_Copeland]

nick-york - 8/1/14 at 09:33 PM

Well i did think i was been a bit hopeful Id seen how cheap the insurance was for these vehicles and just assumed that everybody must have full ncb .

deezee - 9/1/14 at 08:01 AM

I was with Footman James last year but I moved over to Adrian Flux because they found a policy that would accept my no claims bonus. As mentioned, this is important, regardless of discount as if you don't keep your NCB with someone, it gets removed after 2 years, although some will no longer accept them after 12 months!

Slimy38 - 9/1/14 at 08:18 AM

Originally posted by nick-york
Well i did think i was been a bit hopeful Id seen how cheap the insurance was for these vehicles and just assumed that everybody must have full ncb .

I believe the biggest factors with low insurance quotes for kit cars is the very limited mileages (up to 5,000 seems typical), the location where the cars are stored, and probably most importantly the limited number of claims not bumping up the premiums like typical tin tops.

The NCD expiring is partly why I'm keeping my bike. I have full NCD on there but last years mileage was to the MOT station and back. If I sold the bike I'm sure it would cost me a fortune to build up my NCD again.

pekwah1 - 9/1/14 at 01:21 PM

i was told with Adrian flux that they would not take ncb into account at all as it doesn't apply to their kit policies, and in the same token you will not accrue any ncb either.

steve m - 9/1/14 at 05:09 PM

Im with Frank Pickles, and at £97 fully comp, didn't even have the cheek to ask for any NCD


nick-york - 9/1/14 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by steve m
Im with Frank Pickles, and at £97 fully comp, didn't even have the cheek to ask for any NCD

Well at that price who needs ncd !! Its very cheap .

nick-york - 9/1/14 at 05:27 PM

Thanks for all the info everyone ! Some interesting stuff ! - nick