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Wife!s car hit!
macc man - 30/9/13 at 05:59 PM

I got home this morning to find her MX5 had been hit down one side parked on the road. No note attached so I reported it to the Police. Got home to find the culprit was my next door neighbour! He was very appologetic and agreed to pay for the damage
but does not want to go through his insurance company. I let the Police know and they are not going to pursue the matter.
Only problem is he is very elderly and may not be suitable to be driving if he has problems with judging distances.
I have no wish to fall out with him but should I suggest he has a medical check up.

steve m - 30/9/13 at 06:11 PM

Its not a nice decision, but the next car or even a person he hits could die,
so if in your opinion if you feel he is likely to cause an accident, I would speak to his Drs, and or the police

He does not need to know it was you

I had to do the same thing with my Nan, she was 82 and driving the "old folk" to art class's etc
she had a prang, denting the near side wing on the oncoming traffic !!!

Turned out she was pretty well blind!!!!!!!!!!

The family of the next person to be hurt or killed, will hate you forever if you allow him to drive

Sad, but true

My Nan took it very well, and surrendered her license


Not Anumber - 30/9/13 at 06:11 PM

Make it plain he should have left a note. Though I'm sure it was a shock for him to have hit the car it was at least as much of a shock to you and your wife to see the car damaged with no note on it.

People can just misjudge distances especially if there is glare or poor light are and other vehicles and obstacles about. I am sure your neighbour will be question ning his driving ability now all by himself so actually saying that to him will really only serve to hurt his feelings. I can see why the police wouldnt be interested. Find a local repair shop that will do a good job for cash, get the neighbour to pay a few quid on top for a hire car and everyone is sorted with no harm done.

adithorp - 30/9/13 at 06:21 PM

I would... but tread carefully.

Having had the "Is it time to stop driving?" conversation with a few customers over the years, it goes one of two ways... Either complete denial and nothing more you can do.
Or acceptance with what appears to be a sense of relief. It's possibly crossed their minds and just need a nudge to make the decision.

Loss of peripheral vision can be a symptom of other problems so def' in his interest to get it checked out.

big_wasa - 30/9/13 at 06:50 PM

My dad swiped by tin top last week. grrrr And he is firmly in the denial camp.

[Edited on 30/9/13 by big_wasa]

myke pocock - 30/9/13 at 06:55 PM

I dont think you have a right to speak to his doctor though.

jacko - 30/9/13 at 07:35 PM

Speak to his family son / daughter if he has any

snakebelly - 30/9/13 at 07:38 PM

Does he know you reported it to the police? If so why not call them back and express your concerns? They might be up for a visit "to check the issue with the car has been resolved" whilst there maybe they could suggest he gets a checkup?

macc man - 30/9/13 at 09:07 PM

Thanks for the advice all, I think I may broach the subject with his son and see what he thinks about it.
As said,no harm done this time but next time may not be so lucky.

steve m - 30/9/13 at 09:07 PM

"I dont think you have a right to speak to his doctor though."

yes you can, as its all done as a "duty of care", sometimes for the individual and more likely the trail of destruction after

mangogrooveworkshop - 30/9/13 at 11:09 PM


Mr Whippy - 30/9/13 at 11:40 PM

It's a very hard to get some folk to accept their driving has got to the point it's dangerous it happens so gradual they don't tend to notice or just sort of compensate. I'd say my dad is very much in that category personally I don't think he should be driving but he won't listen always coming out with lame excuses. Part of it is pride or wanting to admit your getting old, he use to be an excellent driver who never had a pring. A few years ago I sold him my 850 which he then smashed of everything with till it ended up getting scrapped, he's given up trying to reverse trailers thankfully as he's now like a learner again. Don't know why he bothers these days, he has a free bus pass and they go right past the door!

mcerd1 - 1/10/13 at 10:14 AM

my mum 'eventually' talked my gran into going for a driving assessment - she had to wait a few months for the appointment, but when she failed it she did give up her licence quite easily

she'd really fought to get her licence in the first place, her dad didn't believe that women should drive, so she have to get the licence out her own pocket behind his back - so you can imagine how difficult it was to get her to stop....

timbedford - 1/10/13 at 11:30 AM

Invite him round for a cuppa. Talk to him in a manner that doesn't make him nervous. A neighbourly chat about what happened... calm and considered... diplomatic.... and whenever you get the chance, stand off to one side and pretend to throw objects at him to see if he can detect any movement.

adithorp - 1/10/13 at 11:30 AM

Of course it could just have been he cocked up and isn't a bad driver at all. I've got customers in their 80's who I'd have no qualms over but some in their 30's I'd not get in the passenger seat with.

A couple of years ago we (the family) were questioning whether my Dad should be driving (in his mid 80's) as he was getting a bit slow and hesitant; Then he got ill. Turned out to be a pituatary tumour which he had removed. He's health is better now than it's been for 20 years and his driving's fine. Oddly pituatary growths are (according to his consultant) often diagonsed because thet effect periferal vision and people start clipping wing mirrors, but in my Dads case didn't alter his eyesight and so wasn't dianosed early.

adithorp - 1/10/13 at 01:08 PM

So I've just walked to the shops for a sandwich. Crossing the road I look and there's nothing coming then halfway across a park car revs the engine, dumps the clutch and screams at me, locks up and stops about 6" from my knee!... My Dad.. He thought it was hilarious to scare the crap out of me.

Scratch what I said before, the loonatic sholdn't be allowed out.

Bare - 1/10/13 at 03:15 PM

Ugly situation .
Wayyy Too Much like Orwells' Britannia imo.

[Edited on 1/10/13 by Bare]