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Raw at Stoneleigh?
Tim Watson - 15/4/11 at 05:22 PM

Does anyone know if Raw will be at Stoneleigh?

I havent seen their new Phoenix yet and was gonna go down to have a look.

matty h - 15/4/11 at 05:38 PM

Says they are in my show guide that came with my kit car mag.

adithorp - 15/4/11 at 06:47 PM

According to JPSC club, RAW will be there with a Phoenix and Striker and pos' a Fulcrum.

Chester sports cars will be there with the J15 and Jeremy Phillips with a modified Riot (they might be on the JPSC club pitch).

Tim Watson - 16/4/11 at 09:53 AM

Ok thanks chaps. Looking forward to it.