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Mopeds and the law?
scotty g - 2/4/15 at 07:23 AM

OK people i have a question or two regarding moped laws.
My Step daughter wants to get a new job but it's a bit out of the way, SWMBO has suggested getting her a moped but she only has a provisional license so is she ok to ride it on that?

JoelP - 2/4/15 at 07:39 AM

I thought you needed a cbt, but this is definitely one for Google!

MP3C - 2/4/15 at 07:52 AM

I was always under the assumption you could ride a moped up to 50cc with only a provisional license from 16 years old as long as it displayed L plates. Although it might have changed since I thought that


geoff shep - 2/4/15 at 07:56 AM

scotty g - 2/4/15 at 07:57 AM

Now i know that on my full license i can ride up to 50cc without a cbt but still have to do the cbt for a 125cc but not sure on the rules for provisional?

[Edited on 2/4/15 by scotty g]

Doctor Derek Doctors - 2/4/15 at 09:23 AM

Would you really send her out without any training? I would send her for a CBT (and some lessons) whether it was a legal requirement or not.

Slimy38 - 2/4/15 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Doctor Derek Doctors
Would you really send her out without any training? I would send her for a CBT (and some lessons) whether it was a legal requirement or not.

Yep, for the sake of around £100 including bike hire and a day off work I'd recommend the CBT. A provisional licence would mean L plates, and a CBT only lasts for two years (I think) so it'll need renewing or a proper test taken.

loggyboy - 2/4/15 at 11:42 AM

Even with a full license, if you passed the driving test after 1 February 2001, you need a CBT.

[Edited on 2-4-15 by loggyboy]

Charlie_Zetec - 2/4/15 at 11:45 AM

You can ride a moped at 16 with a provisional, BUT you need L plates and to have completed training, and I believe limited to a <50cc bike. I was utterly shocked when I did my direct access that a 16y/o girl was learning on a "twist 'n' go" moped, but her road knowledge was appalling - she didn't know 80% of the road signs when questioned, or the road layouts or markings.

I believe that you can upgrade to a 125cc with a full licence (again, including L plates), but would thoroughly recommend a CBT. £120 and a day off work, they do off-road training in the morning and a road ride in the afternoon assuming you're safe to do so.

CBT only lasts 2 years, so in that time you either have to complete the A1 & A2 tests, or re-do the CBT. One of the guys on my course was a repeat CBT'er (this was his 4th time) as he only used his 125 to get to and from his house and the station for work as it was easier to park a bike.

I really cannot recommend training enough.

Mr Whippy - 2/4/15 at 11:50 AM

not so much the law but do you want your step daughter to live through ownership

mopeds have to be one of the most dangerous vehicles to use on the road, the CBT is a joke any muppet can get through it and if passing a CBT is an issue she should walk

MikeRJ - 2/4/15 at 12:36 PM

I would avoid a 50cc scooter/bike, they just don't have enough power so tend to hold up traffic and create impatience and bad driving.

A 125 is much better in this respect and can still be ridden for two years on a provisional licence with a CBT. However, if it were my daughter I'd ensure she had some proper training, rather than just the basic CBT.

garyo - 2/4/15 at 02:17 PM

Did a CBT five years ago to ride a 125, and as a 40yr old on a course with two other 16yr olds, would severely recommend sending the young'n on the CBT. The theory was only 20% of the course but the lack of knowledge was stark. The practical side was all good fun - lots of roadcone 3mph tomfoolery. She'll love the day out so it's an easy £80 decision IMO.

morcus - 2/4/15 at 02:32 PM

Is there no other way to get there? What sort of journey is it?

I grew up just down the motorway from you and I would not want to let someone loose on a 50cc moped on most of the A roads and back roads around there as I used to see the results of so many accidents mostly for the reasons MikeRJ gave but if it's all in town it should be alright. I'd go for the 125 though as the cost difference is minimal (Though I don't know about insurance) the ability to keep up with traffic will make it much safer.

scotty g - 2/4/15 at 06:05 PM

I would want her to do the CBT anyway, it's not like she's a teenager though she is a very sensible 30 year old but then it's not her i'd worry about it's all the idiots around her! The journey would be about 3-4 miles on the A20 just outside Folkestone, i agree with several of your comments, i would rather she had a 125cc for the same reasons as others on here, mopeds are just too slow. SWMBO suggested the 50cc because one came up cheap locally.
Thanks for the input guys.

compturbo - 8/4/15 at 12:47 AM

Definitely go for a 125! A derestricted 50 might be alright in city situations though. And as stated a CBT is very very easy, and quite good fun! Insurance costs nothing on a 125, and they are ridiculously economical!

Mr Whippy - 8/4/15 at 11:26 AM

Originally posted by compturbo
Definitely go for a 125! A derestricted 50 might be alright in city situations though. And as stated a CBT is very very easy, and quite good fun! Insurance costs nothing on a 125, and they are ridiculously economical!

yeah the first time I filled up my old 125 I thought the petrol pump was broken, then I realised it was filled to the top! I liked how they still asked if you want 6 months or 12 months free road tax...ehem what's the cheapest